
Found 2543 results

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Aportes para una Teología desde la Mujer, Aquino, María Pilar , Madrid, p.160, (1988)
Cave of the Jagua: The Mythological World of the Taínos, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Albuquerque, NM, (1988)
Church Empowerment, Liberation Theology and the Jewish Experience: A Latin American Catholic Perspective , Maduro, Otto , Christian Jewish Relations, Volume 21, Number 1, p.25-31, (1988)
Criterios para las celebraciones litúrgicas en las comunidades hispanas, Sosa, Juan J. , Miami, FL, (1988)
El Sentido de la diversidad: recientes investigaciones sobra las minorías hispanas en los Estados Unidos, Cortina, Rodolfo J.; Moncada, Alberto , Hispanos en los Estados Unidos, Madrid, (1988)
Exegesis Pastoral, Marcos 1:16 - 2:17: Un desafio para hoy, Alfaro, Juan I. , Revista Biblica, Volume 50, Number 2-3, p.171-182, (1988)
El Campesino Hispano y las Iglesias en los Estados Unidos, Sandoval, Moises , Cristianismo y Sociedad, Number 96, p.7-19, (1988)
Hispanic Traditions of Padrinos & Madrinas, Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo , Chicago, IL, (1988)
Inheriting Our Mothers' Gardens: Feminist Theology in Third World Perspective, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María; Russell, Letty M.; Pui-lan Kwok; Cannon, Katie Geneva , Philadelphia, PA, (1988)
Liberation, Method, and Dialogue: Enrique Dussel and North American Theological Discourse, Goizueta, Roberto S. , Atlanta, GA, p.xxiv, 174, (1988)
Mujer e Iglesia: Participación de la Mujer en la presencia de la Iglesia, Aquino, María Pilar , Aportes para una Teología desde la Mujer, Madrid, p.94-101, (1988)
National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry, Bishops, National Conference of Catholic , Washington, DC, (1988)
Occupied America: A History of Chicanos, Acuña, Rodolfo , New York, NY, (1988)
Popular Catholicism: a Hispanic perspective, Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo , American Essays in Liturgy, Volume 9, Washington, DC, (1988)
Pentecost: a feast for all peoples, Herrera, Marina; Bowman, Thea; Carter, Martin J.; Vidal, Jaime R. , Celebrating the Multicultural/Multiracial Church, (1988)
Popular Religion among Hispanics in the General Area of the Archdiocese of Newark, Vidal, Jaime R. , Nueva Presencia: Knowledge for service and hope, Newark, NJ, p.235-352, (1988)
Pasión y Poder: Toward Understanding the Hispanic Aesthetic, Lara, Jaime , Faith and Form, Washington, DC, (1988)
Qué expresa el género masculino en español?, Icaza, Rosa María , Amen, San Antonio, TX, (1988)
Realities for U.S. Hispanics, Rodríguez, Edmundo , Company, Number 6, p.8-10, (1988)
The Great Temple of Tenochtitlan: center and periphery in the Aztec world, Broda, Johanna; Carrasco, Davíd; Matos Moctezuma, Eduardo , Berkeley, CA, p.xiv, 184 p., [16] p. of plates, (1988)
The Future is Mestizo: Life Where Cultures Meet, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Oak Park, IL, (1988)
The U.S. Catholic Church and its Hispanic Members: the pastoral vision of Archbishop Robert E. Lucey, Privett, Stephen A. , San Antonio, TX, (1988)
The Desacralization of Marxism within Latin American Liberation Theology, Maduro, Otto , Social Compass, Volume XXXV, Number 2-3, p.371-385, (1988)
The Sources of Hispanic Theology, Espín, Orlando O.; Garcia, Sixto J. , Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, Volume 43, p.122-25, (1988)
Theologies of the Third World: commonalities and differences, Elizondo, Virgilio P.; Boff, Leonardo , Concilium, Edinburgh, (1988)

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