
Found 2543 results

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Women, Davis, Kenneth G. , Perspectivas: Hispanic ministry, Kansas City, MO, p.40-45, (1995)
'A Pox on Both Your Houses': a view of Catholic conservative-liberal polarities from the Hispanic margin, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Being Right: Conservative Catholics in America, Bloomington, IN, p.88-104, (1995)
The Challenge of Evangelical/Pentecostal Christianity to Hispanic Catholicism, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Religion and American Culture, New York, (1995)
Chavez, Cesar Estrada, Deck, Allan Figueroa , New Catholic encyclopedia, Volume 19. Supplement 1989-1995, Volume 19, Palatine, IL, p.77-78, (1995)
Models, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Perspectivas: Hispanic ministry, Kansas City, MO, p.1-6, (1995)
Multiculturalism as an Ideology, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Perspectivas: Hispanic ministry, Kansas City, MO, p.28-34, (1995)
Reasons for our Hope, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Perspectivas: Hispanic ministry, Kansas City, MO, p.132-138, (1995)
The Spirituality of United States Hispanics, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Mestizo Christianity: Theology from the Latino Perspective, Maryknoll, NY, p.224-235, (1995)
Perspectivas: Hispanic Ministry, Deck, Allan Figueroa; Tarango, Yolanda; Matovina, Timothy M. , Kansas City, MO,, 152 pp., (1995)
The Challenge of Proselytism, Diás Vilar, J. Juan , Perspectivas: Hispanic ministry, Kansas City, MO, p.83-89, (1995)
Roman North Africa: Conflicting Religiosities?, Donovan, Mary-Ann , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, May, Volume 2, Number 4, p.41-50, (1995)
Miracles on the Border: Retablos of Mexican Migrants to the United States., Durand, Jorge; Massey, Douglas S. , Tuscon, AZ, (1995)
Ethical Sense of the 1994 Maya Rebellion in Chiapas, Dussel, Enrique D. , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, Feb, Volume 2, Number 3, p.41-56, (1995)
Re-discovering My Spiritual History: Exodus and Exile, Davila, Alvaro , Así Es: stories of Hispanic spirituality, Collegeville, MN, p.87-92, (1994)
The Hispanic Shift: Continuity Rather Than Conversion?, Davis, Kenneth G. , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, May, Volume 1, Number 3, p.68-79, (1994)
De Encuentro a Reconocimiento: The Hispanic Catholic Church Since 1987, Davis, Kenneth G. , Living Light, Winter, p.17-24, (1994)
Primero Dios: Alcoholics Anonymous and the Hispanic Community, Davis, Kenneth G. , Susquehanna, PA, (1994)
Brevia from the Hispanic Shift: Continuity rather than Conversion?, Davis, Kenneth G. , An Enduring Flame: Studies on Latino Popular Religiosity, Volume I, New York, NY, p.207-210, (1994)
Following the Yellow Brick Road: Rahner reasons through petitionary prayer, Davis, Kenneth G. , Living Light, Sum, Volume 30, p.25-30, (1994)
U.S. Hispanic Catholics: trends and works 1993, Davis, Kenneth G. , Review for Religious, Mar-Apr, Volume 53, p.285-302, (1994)
My Spiritual Journey, De Jesus, Confesor , Así Es: stories of Hispanic spirituality, Collegeville, MN, p.56-62, (1994)
Latino Theology: The Year of the Boom, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, Feb, Volume 1, Number 2, p.51-63, (1994)
Hispanic Ministry: Reasons for our Hope, Deck, Allan Figueroa , America, April 23, p.12-15, (1994)
Trends in Hispanic Ministry, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches, Nashville, TN, (1994)
Trends in Latino Religion, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches, Nashville, TN, p.1-4, (1994)

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