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The Christian Identity and Mission of the Catholic Hispanic in the United States, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Hispanic Catholics in the United States, New York, p.61-71, (1980)
The Enculturation of Hispanics in the Catholic Church, Ponce, Frank , Agenda, Volume 10, Number 6, p.11-15, (1980)
Silent Women Will Never Be Heard, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Missiology: An International Review, July, Volume VII, Number 3, p.295-301, (1979)
An Experience of a Large Urban Mexican American Parish, Benavides, Albert , Becoming a Catholic Christian, New York, NY, p.66-74, (1979)
Mary Woman-Mother of Christians in the Struggles for Liberation in the Gospel of St. John, Alfaro, Juan I. , Cuadernos Biblicos 2, San Antonio, TX, p.iv, 28p., (1979)
Women in the Ordained Ministry of the Church and Human Liberation, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Women in Dialogue, Notre Dame, IN, p.129 p., (1979)
The Land - Stewardship, Alfaro, Juan I. , Biblical Theology Bulletin, Ap, Volume 8, p.51-61, (1978)
Hispanic Challenges to the Church, Sandoval, Moises , Washington, DC, p.iii, 92 p., (1978)
Liturgy from the Mexican American Perspective, Ramírez, Ricardo , Worship, July, Number 51, p.293-298, (1977)
Hispanic Americans and the Church in the Northeast: response to a survey, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P.; González, Roberto O. , New York, NY, p.89 leaves, (1977)
Is the Prophet Speaking Spanish?, Ramírez, Ricardo , Living Worship, p.1-14, (1977)
A Quinceañera Mass, Mayer, Robert , Modern Liturgy, October, Volume 3, Number 7, p.28-29, (1976)
Liturgy and Mexican American Culture, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Modern Liturgy, October, Volume 3, Number 7, p.24-26, (1976)
The American Catholic Church Faces Ethnicity and Migration, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Migration Today, December, Volume 4, Number 5, p.9ff, (1976)
Santa Bárbara y San Lázaro, Sosa, Juan J. , Cuba: Diáspora, Miami, FL, p.101-103, (1976)
A New Direction for Catechetics and Liturgy for the Mexican American, Erevia, Angela , San Antonio, TX, (1975)
An Attitudinal Study of the Social Distance between the Mexican American and the Church, Hurtado, Juan , San Antonio, TX, (1975)
The Role of White Ethnic Communities in the Urban Adjustment of Newcomers, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Working paper series, Volume 2, New York, p.7 p., (1975)
Rethinking the Relationship between Jesus and the Old Testament, Romero, C. Gilbert , Does Jesus Make a Difference, New York, NY, p.44-55, (1974)
A bi-Cultural Approach to the History of the United States, Hinojosa, Gilberto M. , Austin, TX, p.6 leaves, (1973)
Dynamics of the Catholic Church: from Pastoral to Social Concerns, McNamara, Patrick H. , The Mexican-American People: the nation's second largest minority, New York, NY, p.449-485, (1970)
Sociological Aspects of Migration and their Impact on Religious Practice, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Spiritual Care of Puerto Rican Migrants, Cuernavaca, (1970)
Some of your best friends are Puerto Ricans, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , The Sign, November, Volume 47, Number 4, p.22-27, (1967)
Anomie and the Quest for Community: the formation of sects among Puerto Ricans in New York, Poblete, Renato; O'Dea, Thomas F. , American Catholic Sociological Review, Spring, Number 21, p.18-36, (1960)
The Church and Community, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Religious Education, Ja-F, Volume 50, Number 1, p.5-10, (1955)

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