
Found 93 results

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The Body of Christ: The Claim of the Crucified People on U.S. Theology and Ethics, Lassalle-Klein, Robert , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, My, Volume 5, p.48-77, (1998)
Covenanting with the Powerless: Strangers, Widows, and Orphans, Pineda, Ana María , Fordham Law Review, March, Volume 66, Number 4, p.1177-1179, (1998)
Liberation Theology: Practice of a People Hungering for Human Dignity, Pineda, Ana María , The Way: Contempory Christian Spirituality, July, Volume 38, Number 3, p.231-238, (1998)
Globalizacion y cristianismo de cura al siglo XXI (I y): Un par de desafios desde la perspectiva de un emigrante latinoamericano, Maduro, Otto , SIC, Aug, Volume LXI, Number 607, p.308-311, (1998)
Economics, Ethics and the Everyday: Reflections from Another Shore, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Welfare Policy: Feminist Critiques, Cleveland, OH, (1999)
Reading the Bible Ideologically: Socioeconomic Criticism, Segovia, Fernando F. , To Each Its Own Meaning: An Introduction to Biblical Criticisms and Their Applications, Louisville, KY, (1999)
The Bread that Gives Life, Bilgrien, Marie Vianney , Emmanuel, Volume 105, p.340, (1999)
Communities of Character: organizing around common values, Schultze, George E. , Sojourners, S-O, Volume 29, Number 5, p.14, (2000)
Liberation Theology and Democracy : Toward a New Historical Project, Petrella, Ivan , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, My, Volume 7, Number 4, p.50-67, (2000)
Latino Popular Religion and the Struggle for Justice, Deck, Allan Figueroa; Tirres, Christopher , Religion, Race, and Justice in a Changing America, New York, NY, p.139-210, (2000)
La Justicia para las Mujeres en la Iglesia Temprana, Aquino, María Pilar , Revista Cardoner, Guatemala, p.34-49, (2000)
The Juxtaposition of Dangerous Memories: Toward a Latino Theology of Preaching from the Underside of the Diaspora Experience, Presmanes, Jorge , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Chicago, IL, p.5-26, (2000)
¡Presente! U.S. Latino Catholics from Colonial Origins to the Present, Matovina, Timothy M.; Poyo, Gerald E. , Maryknoll, NY, (2000)
Globalization, Social Policy, and Christianity at the Dawn of a New Millennium: Some Reflections from a Latin American Emigrant Perspective, Maduro, Otto , Religion and Social Policy, New York, NY, (2001)
Justice Upholds Peace: a Feminist Approach, Aquino, María Pilar , The Return of the Just War, London, p.102-110, (2001)
North American Contextual Theologies, Lassalle-Klein, Robert , Catholic Theological Society of America Proceedings, Volume 56, p.190-192, (2001)
Gnawing Fears Spring from US Narcissism, Macy, Gary; Bryjak, George J. , National Catholic Reporter, Nov 8, Volume 39, Number 3, p.18, (2002)
Hambre de Pan, Hambre de Dignidad, Groody, Daniel G. , Migrantes Magazine, July 2002, (2002)
Die Gerechtigkeit überschreitet die Grenze. Die Option für die Armen in den Vereinigten Staaten, Nanko-Fernández, Carmen M. , Glaube an der Grenze: die US-amerikanische Latino-Theologie, Freiburg im Breisgau, p.152-179, (2002)
In A Time Such as This, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Strike Terror No More: theology, ethics, and the new war, St. Louis, MO, (2002)
Justice Crosses the Border: The Preferential Option for the Poor in the United States, Nanko-Fernández, Carmen M. , A Reader in Latina Feminist Theology: Religion and Justice, Austin, TX, p.177-203, (2002)
Teaching as Social Action, González, Michelle A. , Vistas, Spring, Number 6, Loyola Marymount University, p.3, (2003)
On the Streets of a Fragile World, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Walking with God in a Fragile World, Lanham, MD, p.47-55 , (2003)
Reconciliation in a World of Conflicts, Aquino, María Pilar; Susin, Luiz Carlos , Concilium, Volume 2003/5, London, p.141 p., (2003)
The Moral Vision of César Chávez, Dalton, Frederick John , Maryknoll, NY, p.viii, 200 p., (2003)

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