Reconciliation in a World of Conflicts

Publication Type:



Concilium, SCM-Canterbury Press, Volume 2003/5, London, p.141 p. (2003)




Reconciliation; Social Justice; Nonviolence


Contents: From silence to word: the 'From denial to acceptance' seminar of the Peruvian truth and reconciliation commission, by V Vargas. Causes of the Nepalese conflict: entering the peace process, by S Budhathoki. Indigenous approaches to justice, forgiveness and reconciliation. (1) A perspective from Australia, by R Reynolds. (2) A perspective from North America, by T Frichner. (3) A perspective from Central America, by E Hernandez. Non-violence: the appropriate and effective response to human conflicts: relevant comments subsequent to the September 11 2001 terrorist attack on the United States, Dalai Lama XIV. Non-violence is the highest virtue, by V Narayanan. Reconciliation, repentance and the world to come: a view from Judaism, by S Magid. Christianity and reconciliation: a way to a utopia, by J Sobrino. Prevention and reconciliation in a world of conflicts: the United Nations perspective, by T Kanninen. The process of social reconciliation, by I Zartman. Religion as source and resource for reconciliation, by R Schreiter. Love of enemy and class struggle, by F Houtart. Final reflections: towards a culture of reconciliation: justice, rights, democracy, by M Aquino.

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