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Observaciones Sobre la Constitución Política de la Monarquía Española, Varela, Félix , Habana [Cuba], p.[4], 117 [5] p., (1821)
La cuestion religiosa en el Engles premarxista, Maduro, Otto , Caracas, Venezuela, p.315, (1981)
Is Religion Revolutionary?, Maduro, Otto , New England Sociologist, Volume 5, Number 1, p.127-131, (1984)
Christian Democracy and the Liberating Option for the Oppressed in Latin American Catholicism, Maduro, Otto , Concilium, Volume 193, p.106-119, (1987)
Puerto Rico's Future Status: Prisoners of Many Myths, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , The Nation, January 22, Volume 250, Number 3, p.86-90, (1990)
El Partido Accion Cristiana: Transfondo Historico y Significado Sociologico del Nacimiento y Muerte de Un Partido Politico Catholico en Puerto Rico, Silva Gotay, Samuel , Cristianismo y Sociedad, Volume 108, p.95-108, (1991)
The Modern Nightmare: A Latin American Christian Indictment, Maduro, Otto , Union Seminary Quarterly Review, Volume 46, New York, NY, p.77-84, (1993)
The Modern Nightmare: A Latin American Christian Indictment, Maduro, Otto , Theology and the Practice of Responsibility: Essays on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Valley Forge, PA, p.77-84, (1994)
'A Pox on Both Your Houses': a view of Catholic conservative-liberal polarities from the Hispanic margin, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Being Right: Conservative Catholics in America, Bloomington, IN, p.88-104, (1995)
Somos Guatemaltecos, Towle, Joseph; Sandoval, Moises , Maryknoll, NY, (1995) Abstract
Theologies and Liberation in Peru: the role of ideas in social movements, Peña, Milagros , Philadelphia, PA, p.xii, 222 p., (1995)
Amos 5:21-24: Religion, Politics, and the Latino Experience, Romero, C. Gilbert , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, May, Volume 4, Number 4, p.21-41, (1997)
El Habanero: papel político, científico y literario, Varela, Félix , Colección Félix Varela, Volume 3, Miami, Fla., p.xxxiv, [6], xxiv, 243 p., (1997)
Papal Politics for Cuba, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , The Nation, March 2, Volume 266, Number 7, p.6-7, (1998)
On Frederick Bauerschmidt's "Theo-Drama and Political Theology", Casarella, Peter J. , Communio, Fall, Volume 25, p.553-557, (1998)
Catholic Social Doctrine and Mexican American Political Thought, García, Mario T. , El Cuerpo de Cristo: The Hispanic Presence in the U.S. Catholic Church, New York, NY, p.292-311, (1998)
Maryknoll, Maduro, Otto , The Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion, Washington, DC, p.501, (1999)
Religion in America: churches, globalization, and democratization, Vásquez, Manuel A. , Journal of interamerican studies and world affairs,; v. 41, no. 4;, Miami, FL,, 148 p., (1999)
Toward a New Agenda for the Study of Religion in the Americas, Vásquez, Manuel A. , Religion in America: churches, globalization, and democratization, Volume 41, no. 4;, Miami, FL,, 148 p., (1999)
Globalization, Social Policy, and Christianity at the Dawn of a New Millennium: Some Reflections from a Latin American Emigrant Perspective, Maduro, Otto , Religion and Social Policy, New York, NY, (2001)
Latino Catholics and American Public Life, Matovina, Timothy M. , Can Charitable Choice Work? Covering Religion's Impact on Urban Affairs and Social Services, Hartford, CT, p.56-77, (2001)
Family, Church and Neighborhood: Latinos of faith exercising collective power to improve daily life, Matovina, Timothy M. , The Witness, May, Volume 85, p.12-17, (2002)
A Fundamental Gap: Conservatives, Progressives and Hispanic Catholicism, Matovina, Timothy M. , America, March 17, p.6-8, (2003)
Religion in the 2004 Election: Hispanic Catholics, Matovina, Timothy M. , Religion in the News, Fall, Volume 6, Number 3, p.4, 16, (2003)
Politics and the U.S. Latina and Latino Religious Experience, Barvosa-Carter, Edwina , Introduction to the U.S. Latina and Latino Religious Experience, Volume 2, Boston, MA, p.xii, 322 p., (2004)

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