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Filters: keyword is Peace -- Religious aspects.  [Clear All Filters]
Justice Upholds Peace: a Feminist Approach, Aquino, María Pilar , The Return of the Just War, London, p.102-110, (2001)
The Return of the Just War, Aquino, María Pilar; Mieth, Dietmar , Concilium, Volume 2001/2, London, p.125, (2001)
Bienaventurados los Perseguidos y los que Buscan la Paz, Aquino, María Pilar , Sal Terrae: Revista de Teología Pastoral, Diciembre, Number 12, Santander, p.895-907, (1989)
Church and Peace, Elizondo, Virgilio P.; Greinacher, Norbert , Volume 164, Edinburgh; New York, p.viii, 84 p., (1983)
A Liberationist Perspective on Peace and Social Justice, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Education for Peace and Justice, San Francisco, CA, p.223-233, (1983)

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