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Lateinamerikanische Feministische Theologie, Aquino, María Pilar , Befreiungstheologie: Kritishcher Rückblick und Perspektiven für die Zukunft. Band 2: Kritische Auswertung ind neue Herausforderungen, Verlag, Mainz, p.291-323, (1997)
Latin American Feminist Theology, Aquino, María Pilar , Dictionary of Feminist Theologies, Louisville, KY, p.114-116, (1996)
Liberation Theology in Peru: An Analysis of the Role of Intellectuals in Social Movements, Peña, Milagros , Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Mr, Volume 33, p.34-45, (1994)
Liberation and Method , Goizueta, Roberto S. , The Pedagogy of God's Image: essays on symbol and the religious imagination, Chico, CaA, p.113-134, (1982)
La historización de la filosofía de la religión de Rahner en Ellacuría y Zubiri, Lassalle-Klein, Robert , Historia, Etica y Liberación. La actualidad de Zubiri, Granada, Spain
Ignacio Ellacuria's Debt to Xavier Zubiri: Critical Principles for a Latin American Philosophy and Theology of Liberation, Lassalle-Klein, Robert , Love That Produces Hope: the thought of Ignacio Ellacuría, Collegeville, MN, p.88-127, (2006)
Hispanic American Theology and the Bible: Effective Weapon and Faithful Ally, Segovia, Fernando F. , We Are A People! Initiatives in Hispanic American Theology, Minneapolis, MN, p.21-50, (1992)
Gebara, Ivone, González, Michelle A. , Introductory Dictionary of Theology and Religious Studies, Collegeville, MN, (2007)
Fiesta: Life in the Subjunctive, Goizueta, Roberto S. , From the Heart of our People: Latino/a Explorations in Catholic Systematic Theology, Maryknoll, NY, p.84-99, (1999)
El siglo de las mujeres teologia latinoamericana, Aquino, Maria Pilar , Christus, Volume 65, p.34, (2000)
Entre la Indignación y la Esperanza: Teología Feminista Latinoamericana, Aquino, María Pilar; Tepedino, Ana María , Bogotá, Colombia, (1998)
Economic Violence in Latin American Perspective, Aquino, María Pilar , Women Resisting Violence: Spirituality for Life, Maryknoll, NY, p.100-108, (1996)
Critical Introduction, Lassalle-Klein, Robert , Love That Produces Hope: the thought of Ignacio Ellacuría, Collegeville, MN, p.xiii-xxxv, (2006)
Characteristics and Central Principles of a Latin American Feminist Theology, Aquino, María Pilar , Revista Cardoner, October, Volume 2, Guatemala, p.17-33, (2000)
Colonization, Aquino, María Pilar , Dictionary of Feminist Theologies, Louisville, KY, p.50 & 114-116, (1996)
Christian Faith and Socialism: A Latin American Perspective, Maduro, Otto , Struggles for Solidarity: Liberation Theologies in Tension, Minneapolis, MN, (1991)
Beyond the Postmodern Condition, or the turn toward psychoanalysis, Mejido, Manuel J. , Latin American Liberation Theology: the next generation, Maryknoll, NY, p.119-146, (2005)
A Reader in Latina Feminist Theology. Religion and Justice, Aquino, María Pilar; Machado, Daisy L.; Rodríguez, Jeanette , Austin, TX, p.320 pp., 9 graphs, (2002)
Analisis del Libro Jesus en America Latina, de Jon Sobrino (San Salvador, 1982), Alfaro, Juan I. , Estudios eclesiasticos, Ap-Je, Volume 59, Number 229, p.237-254, (1984)

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