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Social Justice
A Liberationist Perspective on Peace and Social Justice, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Education for Peace and Justice, San Francisco, CA, p.223-233, (1983)
The Modern Nightmare: A Latin American Christian Indictment, Maduro, Otto , Theology and the Practice of Responsibility: Essays on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Valley Forge, PA, p.77-84, (1994)
The Modern Nightmare: A Latin American Christian Indictment, Maduro, Otto , Union Seminary Quarterly Review, Volume 46, New York, NY, p.77-84, (1993)
Latino Popular Religion and the Struggle for Justice, Deck, Allan Figueroa; Tirres, Christopher , Religion, Race, and Justice in a Changing America, New York, NY, p.139-210, (2000)
O Profissional de Classe Media e as Lutas Populares, Maduro, Otto , Cadernos do CEAS, May-June, Volume 91, Salvador, Brazil, p.53-61, (1984)
Poverty Today, Bilgrien, Marie Vianney , Sisters Today, Volume 57, p.47, (1985)
Propriedade Privada: A Etica e Possivel?, Maduro, Otto , Atualidade em Debate, Volume 10, Number 11, Centro Joao XXIII, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, p.1-43, (1991)
Desarrollo y Solidaridad: Reflexiones en Torno a la Encíclica Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Amorós, Alicea; Fe, José A. , Apuntes, Volume 10, Number 3, p.51-58, (1990)
In A Time Such as This, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Strike Terror No More: theology, ethics, and the new war, St. Louis, MO, (2002)
Bombs Before Bread: the impact of defense spending on the poor, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Book Forum, Volume 6, Number 3, p.329-336, (1983)
Socialism and Christian faith
Christian Faith and Socialism: A Latin American Perspective, Maduro, Otto , Struggles for Solidarity: Liberation Theologies in Tension, Minneapolis, MN, (1991)
Sociology of Religion
Notes toward a Sociology of Latina/o Religious Empowerment, Maduro, Otto , Hispanic/Latino Theology: challenge and promise, Minneapolis, MN, p.151-166, (1996)
Revelacion y Revolucion, Maduro, Otto , Merida, Venezuela, p.135, (1970)
Towards a Culture of Reconciliation: Justice, Rights, Democracy, Aquino, María Pilar , Reconciliation in a World of Conflicts, Volume 2003/5, London, p.126-134, (2003)
Reconciliation in a World of Conflicts, Aquino, María Pilar; Susin, Luiz Carlos , Concilium, Volume 2003/5, London, p.141 p., (2003)
Preferential Option for the Poor
Justice Crosses the Border: The Preferential Option for the Poor in the United States, Nanko-Fernández, Carmen M. , A Reader in Latina Feminist Theology: Religion and Justice, Austin, TX, p.177-203, (2002)
Die Gerechtigkeit überschreitet die Grenze. Die Option für die Armen in den Vereinigten Staaten, Nanko-Fernández, Carmen M. , Glaube an der Grenze: die US-amerikanische Latino-Theologie, Freiburg im Breisgau, p.152-179, (2002)
Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Davis, Kenneth G.; Peréz, Leopoldo , Scranton, PA, p.xv, 228 p., (2005)
A Christian Response to the Poor, Maduro, Otto , World Parish, Volume 28, Number 250, Maryknoll, NY, (1988)
Popular religion
The Treasure of Guadalupe, Deck, Allan Figueroa; Elizondo, Virgilio P.; Matovina, Timothy M. , Celebrating Faith Series: Exploration in Latino Spirituality and Theology, Lanham, MD, (2006)
On Becoming 'Apiru': An Agenda for Latino Theology, Romero, C. Gilbert , Apuntes, Summer, Volume 16, p.59-61, (1996)
The Soulfulness of Black and Brown Folk, Deck, Allan Figueroa; Tirres, Christopher , DRCLAS News, Spring, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, (2000)
PADRES -- history of
PADRES: Latino Community Priests and Social Action, Garcia, Mario T. , Latino Religions and Civic Activism in the United States, New York, NY, p.77-95, (2005)
Mujerista theology
La Vida de las Mujeres Hispanas: La fuente de la Teología Mujerista, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Cristianismo y Sociedad, Volume 93/94, 31/, Number 118-119, (1993)
Un poquito de justicia--a Little Bit of Justice: A Mujerista Account of Justice, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Hispanic/Latino Theology: Challenge and Promise, Minneapolis, MN, p.325-339, (1996)

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