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The Catholic Church and the Making of Mexican-American Parish Communities in the Midwest, Badillo, David A. , Mexican Americans and the Catholic Church, 1900-1965, Notre Dame, IN, p.235-308, (1994)
The Mexican Catholic Community in California, Burns, Jeffrey M. , Mexican Americans and the Catholic Church, 1900-1965, Notre Dame, IN, p.127-233, (1994)
Trends in Hispanic Ministry, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches, Nashville, TN, (1994)
The Challenge of Evangelical/Pentecostal Christianity to Hispanic Catholicism, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Hispanic Catholic Culture in the U.S.: Issues and Concerns, Notre Dame, IN, p.409-439, (1994)
The Context and Development of Hispanic Ecclesial Leadership, Herrera, Marina , Hispanic Catholic Culture in the U.S.: Issues and Concerns, Notre Dame, IN, p.166-205, (1994)
The History of Hispanic Liturgy since 1965, Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo , Hispanic Catholic Culture in the U.S.: Issues and Concerns, Notre Dame, IN, p.360-408, (1994)
The Organization of a Hispanic Church, Sandoval, Moises , Hispanic Catholic Culture in the U.S.: Issues and Concerns , Notre Dame, IN, p.131-165, (1994)
Towards an Understanding of Synthesis in Iberian Hispanic American Popular Religiosity, Vidal, Jaime R. , An Enduring Flame: Studies on Latino Popular Religiosity, Volume I, New York, NY, p.69-95, (1994)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebrations in San Antonio, Texas, 1840-1841, Matovina, Timothy M. , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, Nov, Volume 1, Number 1, p.77-96, (1993)
A Program for Formation of Hispanic Leaders, Icaza, Rosa María , PACE, May, p.21-24, (1993)
When Parents are Upset, Sedano, Maruja , Religion Teachers' Journal, January, Number 26, p.17, (1993)
Unción: Sacramento para el Camino, García-Rivera, Alejandro , El Momento Catolico, February, (1993)
Hispanic Catholics: Does the Church Speak Your Language?, Deck, Allan Figueroa , U.S. Catholic, December, Volume 58, p.27-30, (1993)
A Survey of Literature on Hispanic Ministry, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Strangers and Aliens No Longer, Part 1: The Hispanic presence in the church of the United States, Volume 1, Washington, DC, p.63-87, (1993)
Cuando el tomar ya no es gozar: una respuesta Catolica al alcoholismo, Davis, Kenneth G. , Los Angeles, CA, p.80 p., (1993)
Frontier Faiths: Church, Temple and Synagogue in Los Angeles, 1846-1888, Engh, Michael E. , Sante Fe, NM, (1993)
Oxcart Catholicism on Fifth Avenue: the impact of the Puerto Rican migration upon the Archdiocese of New York, Díaz-Stevens, Ana María , Notre Dame studies in American Catholicism, Volume 12, Notre Dame, IN,, 295 p., (1993)
Religious: evangelizers in a new context, De Luna, Anita , Origins, Volume 23, p.201, (1993)
Researching Churches in the Southwestern Latino Community: How do Assumptions, Theories, and Methods of Twenty-Five Years Ago Stand Today?, McNamara, Patrick H. , Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Raleigh, North Carolina, (1993)
Sin Fronteras: lineamientos para una Catequésis Evangelizadora, Comite Episcopal de Baja y Alta California , México, (1993)
Strangers and Aliens No Longer, Part One: The Hispanic presence in the church in the United States, Hemrick, Eugene F. , Washington, DC, p.133 p., (1993)
The Promise of the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adult religious education, Aymes, Mariá de la Cruz , Living Light, Volume 30, p.11, (1993)
The Origin of the Penitentes of New Mexico: Separating Fact From Fiction, Espinosa, Manual J. , The Catholic Historical Review, Volume 79, Number 3, p.454-477, (1993)
The Roman Catholic Missionary Experience in Ibero-America, Poole, Stafford , Word and World, Spring, Number 12, p.138-145, (1992)
We Can be Bridge-Builders, Ginoris, Esperanza , Religion Teachers' Journal, November-Decembe, Number 26, p.35, (1992)

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