
Found 2543 results

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Catholic Church
Catholicism's Emerging Role in Puerto Rico, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , America, April 15, Volume 182, Number 13, p.8-11, (2000)
Catholic Worker movement
Robert Lassalle-Klein, and Lynn Lassalle-Klein, Lassalle-Klein, Robert; Lassalle-Klein, Lynn , Voices from the Catholic Worker, Philadelphia, PA, p.150-151, 296, (1993)
Catechetics -- Catholic Church.
Familia de Dios, Aymes, María de la Cruz; Buckley, Francis J. , Allen, TX, (1990)
Así Vivimos Porque Creemos: nuestro credo católico : doctrina católica elemental sobre el credo para hispanos adultos y sus familias, Aymes, María de la Cruz; Buckley, Francis J. , Allen, TX, p.xi, 83 p., (1995)
La Catequesis ante la Experiencia Religiosa, Davis, Kenneth G.; Cervantes, Carmen María , Catequetica, January-March, Volume 1, p.3-8, (1997)
Il misterio della vita e della morte, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Catechesi: Revista di Pastorale Catechistica, Dec, Volume 39, p.9-19, (1970)
Documento Final de la Semana Internacional de Estudios sobre Medios de Comunicación Social y Catequesis, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Catequesis Latino-americana, Enero-Marzo, Volume 5, Mexico, p.78-88, (1970)
A Catechetical Response for Minorities, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Coleccion Mestiza Americana, San Antonio, p.92-109, (1975)
A Second Bethlehem: Christ Comes to the Americas, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Today's Catholic Teacher, Nov-Dec, Volume 13, p.28+, (1979)
The Catechumen in the Hispanic Community of the United States , Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Becoming a Catholic Christian: A Symposium on Christian Initiation Organized and Directed by Christiane Brusselmans, New York, NY, p.51-57, (1979)
Transmission of the Faith in the USA , Elizondo, Virgilio P. , The Transmission of the Faith to the Next Generation, Edinburgh, p.100-105, (1984)
San Antonio International Study Week of Mass Media and Catechetics: A Report, Elizondo, Virgilio P.; Oddie, Alan , Living Light , Winter 1969, Volume 6, p.67-74, (1969)
Diccionario Ilustrado de Intérpretes de la Fe: Viente Siglos de Pensamiento Cristiano, Gonzalez, Justo L.; Cardoza-Orlandi, Carlos F. , Barcelona, (2004)
The Transmission of the Faith to the Next Generation, Greinacher, Norbert; Elizondo, Virgilio P.; Lefébure, Marcus , Concilium, Volume 174, Edinburgh, p.x, 111 p., (1984)
Parish Catechetics, Rodríguez, Edmundo , Prophets Denied Honor, Maryknoll, NY, p.226-229, (1980)
Exploring the Core of Biblical Faith: A Catechetical Primer, Abesamis, Carlos H. , Quezon City, Philipines, (1986)
Politics, Catechetics, and Liturgy, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Religion Teachers' Journal, Nov-Dec, Volume 10, p.30-32, (1976)
The Promise of the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adult religious education, Aymes, Mariá de la Cruz , Living Light, Volume 30, p.11, (1993)
Conference on Native American Catechesis, Herrera, Marina , Dimensions, (1979)
Presenting Christ; selected lectures, Aymes, María de la Cruz , Slough, Bucks, England, p.105 p., (1969)
Sin Fronteras: lineamientos para una Catequésis Evangelizadora, Comite Episcopal de Baja y Alta California , México, (1993)
Who is the Catechumen in the Spanish Speaking Community of the U.S.A.?, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Becoming a Catholic Christian: a symposium on Christian initiation, New York, NY, (1977)
A Hispanic Catechetical Project, Herrera, Marina , Dimensions, April, (1979)
Methodology and Themes for Hispanic Catechesis, Herrera, Marina , Washington, DC, (1979)
The Hispanic Challenge, Herrera, Marina , Religious Education, September-Octobe, Volume 74, Number 5, (1979)

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