
Found 2543 results

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Hispanic Challenges to the Church, Sandoval, Moises , Washington, DC, p.iii, 92 p., (1978)
Latinization in the U.S.: a study of the Hispanic population explosion and its implications for the nation's foreign and domestic policies, Sandoval, Moises , New York, p.4 pts. in 1 v, (1977)
Marxism and the Hispanic movements of the United States, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , New Catholic World, May-June, Volume 220, Number 1317, p.126-128, (1977)
Santa Bárbara y San Lázaro, Sosa, Juan J. , Cuba: Diáspora, Miami, FL, p.101-103, (1976)
The American Catholic Church Faces Ethnicity and Migration, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Migration Today, December, Volume 4, Number 5, p.9ff, (1976)
Migration, Ethnicity and Liberation Theology, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Migration Today, June, Volume 4, Number 3, p.7ff, (1976)
What is the Ethnicity of the Catholic Church?, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Priest, November, Volume 32, Number 11, p.37-41, (1976)
Toward an Ethnic Theology, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , New Catholic World, May/June, Volume 119, Number 1311, p.139-142, (1976)
Towards a Definition of the Theology of Ethnicity, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Compassion, Volume 4, Number 6, p.1ff, (1975)
Some of your best friends are Puerto Ricans, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , The Sign, November, Volume 47, Number 4, p.22-27, (1967)
Culture, Tomorrow's Parish and the Church Today, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Ave Maria, April 9, Volume 106, Number 8, p.16-18, (1965)
En Cristo somos uno, Rodríguez, Isaías , CAMINOS, January-March, Number 24, p.6-7, (2007)
Cultural Memory: resistance, faith, and identity, Rodriguez, Jeanette; Fortier, Ted , Austin, TX, (2007)
Tradition as Conversation, Riebe-Estrella, Gary , Futuring Our Past: Explorations in the Theology of Tradition, Maryknoll, NY, p.141-156, (2006)
Building Bridges as Worlds Collide, Rivera, Anastacio , The Treasure of Guadalupe, Lanham, MD, p.31-36, (2006)
San Juan de la Cruz, su importancia para el mundo moderno, Rodríguez, Isaías , CAMINOS, October-December, Number 23, p.7, (2006)
Las devociones populares, Rodríguez, Isaías , CAMINOS, July-September, Number 22, p.10-11, (2006)
¿Qué significan los términos católico, reformado, protestante?, Rodríguez, Isaías , CAMINOS, April-June, Number 21, p.6, (2006)
Todo el mundo puede escribir, Rodríguez, Isaías , CAMINOS, January-March, Number 20, p.6, (2006)
Church: a Roman Catholic perspective, Rodríguez, Jeanette , Handbook of Latina/o Theologies, St. Louis, MO, p.40-49, (2006)
The Virgin of the Massacre, Rodríguez, Jeanette , The Treasure of Guadalupe, Lanham, MD, p.81-85, (2006)
Voz Profética Voz ccompasiva: The Latino/a Catholic's contribution to the church, Rodríguez, Jeanette , The Church and Human Freedom: forty years after Gaudium et espes, Villanova, PA, (2006)
Latina Popular Catholicism, Rodríguez, Jeanette , Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America, Bloomington, IN, (2006)
Resistance and Cultural Autonomy in the Tseltal Indian Community, Rodríguez, Jeanette , Unity and Diversity in Religion and Culture: Exploring the Psychological and Philosophical Issues underlying Global Conflict/ International Readings on Theory, History and Philosophy of Culture, Volume 22, St. Petersburg, p.418-425, (2006)
Introduction/Presentación to Libranos del mal: La religion en la literatura Chicana, Rodríguez, Jeanette , Puentes, Revista mèxico-chicana de literature, cultura y arte, October, Number 4, (2006)

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