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Jesus, the Penitent Woman, and the Pharisee, Calvalcanti, Tereza-Maria- P. , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, Aug, Volume 2, Number 1, p.28-40, (1994)
Justice and Loyalty: a commentary on the Book of Micah, Alfaro, Juan I. , International Theological Commentary, Grand Rapids, MI; Edinburgh, p.x, 85 p., (1989)
John 15:18-16:4a - A First Addition to the Original Farewell Discourse?, Segovia, Fernando F. , The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Ap, Volume 45, p.210-230, (1983)
John 13:1-20: The Footwashing in the Johannine Tradition, Segovia, Fernando F. , Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, Volume 73, Number 1-2, p.31-51, (1982)
Identity, Lozada, Francisco , Handbook of Postmodern Biblical Interpretation, St. Louis, MO, p.113-119 , (2000)
Interpreting Beyond Borders, Segovia, Fernando F. , The Bible and Post-Colonialism Series, Volume 3, Sheffield, England, (2000)
In the Wake of Liberation: Postcolonial and Diasporic Criticisms, Segovia, Fernando F. , Los caminos inexhauribles de la palabra: Homenaje a J. Severino Croatto, Buenos Aries, p.91-114, (2000)
Inclusion and Exclusion in John 17, Segovia, Fernando F. , "What is John?" Volume 2: Literary Social Readings of the Fourth Gospel, Volume 2, Atlanta, GA, p.183-210, (1998)
Hearing and Seeing but not Saying: a rhetoric of authority , Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , The Reality of Apocalypse: rhetoric and politics in the book of Revelation, Leiden; Boston, (2006)
Hispanic American Biblical Interpretation, Segovia, Fernando F. , Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation, Volume 2, Nashville, TN, p.505-508, (1999)
Hope & Glory: a Catholic introduction to the book of Revelation, Alfaro, Juan I. , Liguori, MO, p.110 p., (1995)
Genesis: a living conversation. Blessed deception (Genesis 25, 26), Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , Genesis: a living conversation, New York, NY, (1996) Abstract
Genesis: a living conversation. Temptation (Genesis 2, 3), Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , Genesis: a living conversation, New York, NY, (1996) Abstract
Globalization and Biblical Criticism, Segovia, Fernando F. , The Spire, November, p.12-13,28, (1994)
Facing the Dragon's Fire, Doak, Mary , The Treasure of Guadalupe, Lanham, MD, p.1-8, (2006)
Feathered Psalms: Old World Forms in a New World Garb, Lara, Jaime , The Psalms in Community, Ashgate, (2004)
From Evil Temptress to the First Act of Courage: How Paul Tillich Saves Eve in the Genesis Account of the Fall, Davila, Maria Teresa , North American Paul Tillich Society Newsletter, Spring, Volume XXVI, Number 1, (2000)
Four Faces of Theology: four Johannine conversations, Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , Teaching the Bible, Maryknoll, NY, p.p. 86-101, (1998)
El Misterio de Fe: un estudio de los elementos estructurales de la Misa, Johnson, Lawrence J.; Icaza, Rosa María; Arias, Miguel , Washington, DC, p.vii, 140 p., (2005)
Encountering the Bible in an Age of Diversity and Globalization: teaching toward intercultural criticism, Lozada, Francisco , New Horizons in Hispanic/Latino(a) Theology, Cleveland, OH, p.13-34, (2003)
Encountering Biblical Critics From Minority Communities: A Response, Segovia, Fernando F. , Union Seminary Quarterly Review, Volume 56, Number 1-2, p.71-76, (2003)
Exile, History, and Hope: a Hispanic reading of Ezekiel 20, Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , The Bible Today, Mar-Apr, Volume 35, p.106-113, (1997)
El Cristo Latinoamericano, Rubio, José Antonio , Living Light, Fall, Volume 33, Number 1, p.30-34, (1996)
Esperanza y Gloria: introducción al Apocalipsis para Católicos, Alfaro, Juan I. , Liguori, MO, p.112 p., (1995)
Ezekiel in the Apocalypse: the transformation of prophetic language in Revelation 16,17-19,10, Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , European university studies. Series XXIII, Theology, Volume 376, New York, NY, p.xx, 607 p., (1989)

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