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Latino/a Theology: Doing Theology Latinamente, Gonzalez, Michelle A. , Dialog, Spr, Volume 41, Number 1, p.63-72, (2002)
La teologia en el tercer milenio, Goizueta, Roberto S. , Theologie im III. Millennium: Antworten der Theologen, Frankfurt, (2000)
Locating the Absolutely Absolute Other: Toward a Transmodern Christianity, Goizueta, Roberto S. , Thinking from the Underside of History: Enrique Dussel's Philosophy of Liberation, Oxford, p.181-193, (2000)
Latin American Feminist Theology, Aquino, María Pilar , Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Spring, Volume 14, Number 1, p.89-107, (1998)
Latino Theology: The Year of the Boom, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, Feb, Volume 1, Number 2, p.51-63, (1994)
Liberation, Method, and Dialogue: Enrique Dussel and North American Theological Discourse, Goizueta, Roberto S. , Atlanta, GA, p.xxiv, 174, (1988)
Liberation and Method , Goizueta, Roberto S. , The Pedagogy of God's Image: essays on symbol and the religious imagination, Chico, CaA, p.113-134, (1982)
Mestizo Christianity: Theology from the Latino Perspective, Bañuelas, Arturo J. , Maryknoll, NY,, 278 p., (1995)
Mestizaje as a Locus of Theological Reflection, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Mestizo Christianity: Theology from the Latino Perspective, Maryknoll, NY, p.7-27, (1995)
Mujerista Theology's Method: A Liberative Praxis, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Method in Ministry: theological reflection and Christian ministry, Kansas City, MO, (1995)
Mujerista Theology's Method: A Liberative Praxis, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Mestizo Christianity: Theology from the Latino Perspective, Maryknoll, NY, p.175-191, (1995)
Metodologia Para Refletir a Partir do Povo: E. Dussel e o discurso teológico norte-americano, Goizueta, Roberto S. , São Paulo, p.248 pp., (1993)
Mestissage Hispanique et Methode Theologique aux Etats-Unis, Goizueta, Roberto S. , Concilium, Volume 248, p.35-44, (1993)
Models of Contextual Theology, Bevans, Stephen , Maryknoll, NY, (1992)
Mestizaje as a Locus of Theological Reflection, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Frontiers of Hispanic Theology in the United States, Maryknoll, NY, p.104-23, (1992)
Mujerista Theology's Method: A Liberative Praxis, A Way of Life, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture, Winter, Volume 27, Number 1, p.41-54, (1992)
Mestizaje as a Locus of Theological Reflection, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , The Future of Liberation Theology, Maryknoll, NY, p.358-374, (1989)
New Currents through John: a global perspective, Lozada, Francisco; Thatcher, Tom , Resources for biblical study, Volume 54, Atlanta, GA, p.viii, 248 p. : ill. ; 23 cm., (2006)
New Horizons in Hispanic/Latino(a) Theology, Valentin, Benjamin , Cleveland, OH, p.x, 261 p., (2003)
Nosso Clamor Pela Vida. Teología Latino Americana A Partir da Perspectiva da Mulher, Aquino, María Pilar , São Paulo, Brasil, (1996)
Nuestro Clamor por la Vida: Teología Latinoamericana de la Liberación desde la Perspectiva de la Mujer, Aquino, María Pilar , San José, Costa Rica, p.244 p, (1992)
Nosotros: Toward a U.S. Hispanic Anthropology, Goizueta, Roberto S. , Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture, Wint, Volume 27, p.55-69, (1992)
Our Cry for Life: Feminist Theology from Latin America, Aquino, María Pilar , Maryknoll, NY, p.viii, 254, (1993)
On Choosing a Symbol System for a Hispanic Theology, Romero, C. Gilbert , Apuntes, Winter, Volume 1, Number 4, p.16-20, (1981)
Presupuestos Metodológicos de la Teología desde la Perspectiva de la Mujer, Aquino, María Pilar , Teología y Género: Selección de Textos, La Habana, Cuba, p.143-196, (2003)

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