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The Politics of Praise: A Reading of Revelation 19:1-10, Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , Society of Biblical Literature, November 22-25, , San Francisco, CA, p.374-393, (1997)
Amos 5:21-24: Religion, Politics, and the Latino Experience, Romero, C. Gilbert , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, May, Volume 4, Number 4, p.21-41, (1997)
Evangelization or Proselytism of Hispanics? A Pentecostal Perspective, Robeck, Cecil M. , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, May, Volume 4, Number 4, p.42-64, (1997)
Exile, History, and Hope: a Hispanic reading of Ezekiel 20, Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , The Bible Today, Mar-Apr, Volume 35, p.106-113, (1997)
A New Catholic Reformation?, Davis, Kenneth G. , Chicago Studies, December, Volume 36, Number 3, p.216-223, (1997)
Hacia Una Cristología Mujerista, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Con-Spirando-Revista Latino Americana de Ecofeminismo, Espititualidad y Teología, December, Volume 22, (1997)
Further Reflections on the Christology and Ecclesiology of Small Ecclesial Communities, Garcia, Sixto J. , Small Christian Communities: imagining future church, South Bend, IN, p.119-126, (1997)
Hospitality, Pineda, Ana María , Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People, San Francisco, CA, p.29-42, 206, (1997)
La Teología, La Igleja e La Mulher Na América Latina, Aquino, María Pilar , São Paulo, Brasil, (1997)
Lateinamerikanische Feministische Theologie, Aquino, María Pilar , Befreiungstheologie: Kritishcher Rückblick und Perspektiven für die Zukunft. Band 2: Kritische Auswertung ind neue Herausforderungen, Verlag, Mainz, p.291-323, (1997)
Las tres sorpresas de los Taínos del Caribe, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , La sorpresa de europa: el encuentro de culturas en la época de los grandes descubrimientos, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife, p.81-107, (1997)
Revelation 4:8-11, 5:9-14: Heavenly Hymns of Creation and Redemption, Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , Prayer from Alexader to Constantine, London, p.244-249, (1997)
The Significance of Social Location in Reading John's Story, Segovia, Fernando F. , Gospel Interpretation: Narrative-Critical and Social-Scientific Approaches, Harrisburg, PA, p.212-221, (1997)
Faith and Community: Hispanic Women and the Church, Tarango, Yolanda , Texas Journal of Ideas, History and Culture, Spring/Summer, Volume 18, Number 2, (1996)
Naming the Other: U.S. Hispanic Catholics, the So-Called "Sects," and the "New Evangelization", Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, Nov, Volume 4, Number 2, p.34-59, (1996)
The Present-Future of EATWOT: A Mujerista Perspective, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Voices from the Third World, June, 1996, Volume XIX, Number 1, (1996)
Sanación y Liberación Pentecostales: Respuesta de la Teología de la Liberación, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Concilium, June, p.481-487, (1996)
Ethnoreligious Identity as Locus for Dialogue between Puerto Rican Catholics and American Jews, Díaz-Stevens, Ana María , Religious Education, Fall, Volume 91, p.473-479, (1996)
Embracing Differences, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Fall, Volume 13, Number 2, (1996)
American Catholic Cultural Shifts and Religious Life, Riebe-Estrella, Gary , Horizon: Journal of the National Religious Vocation Conference, Convocation, Volume 12, Number 4, p.12-26, (1996)
"What is John?" Volume 1: Readers and Readings of the Fourth Gospel, Segovia, Fernando F. , SBL Symposium Series, Volume 3, Atlanta, GA, p.xii, 293 p., (1996)
Colonization, Aquino, María Pilar , Dictionary of Feminist Theologies, Louisville, KY, p.50 & 114-116, (1996)
Essential Writings, Gutierrez, Gustavo; Nickoloff, James B. , Maryknoll, NY, p.viii, 336, (1996)
Economic Violence in Latin American Perspective, Aquino, María Pilar , Women Resisting Violence: Spirituality for Life, Maryknoll, NY, p.100-108, (1996)
Economic Violence Against Minority Women in the USA, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Women Resisting Violence: spirituality for life, Maryknoll, NY, (1996)

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