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Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Chicago, IL, (2004)
The Language of Faith, Prayer, and Religion, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Chicago, IL, (2004)
'Hablando se entiende la gente': El lenguaje de la reforma liturgica, Flores, Juan Javier , Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Chicago, IL, (2004)
The Language of the Arts, Lara, Jaime , Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Chicago, IL, (2004)
El Lenguaje de la Cultura Hispana y la Liturgia, Tobar, Dora , Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Chicago, IL, p.63-77, (2004)
Religion and Culture
Liturgy in Three Languages, Sosa, Juan J. , Pastoral Music, February-March, Volume 7, Number 3, p.13-15, (1983)
When a Bilingual Preacher is Made, Not Born, Davis, Kenneth G. , AIM: Liturgy Resources, Winter, p.18-19, (1999)
Let us pray ... en Español, Sosa, Juan J. , Liturgy, Spring, Volume 3, Number 2, p.63-67, (1983)
Liturgy -- Adaptation
Reflections on the Hispanization of the Liturgy, Ramírez, Ricardo , Worship, Number 57, p.26-34, (1983)
Pointers for Presiders, Spanish as a Second Language: Part I, Davis, Kenneth G. , AIM: Liturgy Resources, Winter, p.22-24, (1995)
Liturgy -- Language
Qué expresa el género masculino en español?, Icaza, Rosa María , Amen, San Antonio, TX, (1988)
Presiding in Spanish as a Second Language, Davis, Kenneth G. , AIM: Liturgy Resources, Winter, p.22-24, (1995)
Preaching in Spanish as a Second Language, Davis, Kenneth G. , Perspectivas: Hispanic ministry, Kansas City, MO, p.90-93, (1995)
Presiding in Spanish as a Second Language, Davis, Kenneth G. , Misa, Mesa y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church, Schiller Park, IL, (1997)
Liturgy -- Music
Bilingual Music or Bilingual Texts, Sosa, Juan J. , Liturgia y Canción, Volume 4, Number 2, p.5-6, (1992)
Liturgy -- Texts
Textos Liturgicos para los Catolicos Hispanos en los Estados Unidos, Sosa, Juan J. , Liturgia y Canción, Tiempo Ordinario, Volume 9, Number 3, p.12-21, (1998)
Liturgy in two languages... some principles, Sosa, Juan J. , Pastoral Music, Aug-Sep, Volume 5, Number 6, p.36-38, (1981)
Texto Unico: a unified liturgical text for Spanish Speaking Catholics, Sosa, Juan J. , Liturgy 90, May-June, p.9-10, (1989)
Latino/Hispanic Theology
'Reading the Bible in Spanish': U.S. Catholic Hispanic Theologians' Contributions to Systematic Theology, Fernández, Eduardo C. , The Ecumenist, Volume 36, Number 1, p.10-12, (1994)
'Reading the Bible in Spanish': Not Just for Hispanics Anymore!, Fernández, Eduardo C. , Harvest, Volume 28, Number 3, p.29-30, (1995)
Hispanic American Catholics -- Religious life.
Is the Prophet Speaking Spanish?, Ramírez, Ricardo , Living Worship, p.1-14, (1977)
Episcopal Church
Language Shaped and Shaping, Oliver, Juan M. C. , How Shall We Pray? Expanding Our Language About God, New York, NY, p.136-153, (1994)
Catholic Church -- Liturgy
Advertencia a la tercera edición en español, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , El Misterio de Fe: Estudio de los Elementos Estructurales del Ordinario de la Misa, Washington, DC, (1996)

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