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Preferential Option for the Poor
The Option for the Poor in Christian Theology, Groody, Daniel G. , Notre Dame, IN, (2007)
Religion and Politics
Theologies and Liberation in Peru: the role of ideas in social movements, Peña, Milagros , Philadelphia, PA, p.xii, 222 p., (1995)
Social Justice
A Liberationist Perspective on Peace and Social Justice, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Education for Peace and Justice, San Francisco, CA, p.223-233, (1983)
Sociology of Religion
Liberation Theology and Social Change: Chicanas and Chicanos in the Catholic Church, Cadena, Gilbert R.; Medina, Lara , Chicanas and Chicanos in Contemporary Society, Boston, p.99-111, (1996)
Solidarity -- Religious aspects -- Christianity.
Solidarity as the Fruit of Communion: Ecclesia in America, 'Post-Liberation Theology,' and the Earth, Casarella, Peter J. , Communio, Spr, Volume 27, Number 1, p.98-123, (2000)
Cara y Corazón (Face and Heart): Toward a U.S. Latino Spirituality of Inculturation, Cavazos-González, Gilberto , New Theology Review, May, Volume 17, Number 2, p.46-55, (2004)
Stations of the Cross.
The Way of the Cross: the Passion of Christ in the Americas, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Celebrating faith, Lanham, MD, p.xiv, 111 p., (2002)
Suffering -- theology of
The History of Suffering as Locus Theologicus in German Political Theology and Latin American Liberation Theology, Goizueta, Roberto S. , Proceedings of the Association for the Scientific Study of Religion: Southwest, (1985)
Theological Education
Response to Theological Education and Liberation Theology Symposium, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Theological Education, Autumn, Volume 16, p.34-37, (1979)
Theological Education and Liberation Theology, A Symposium: Response to Frederick Herzog, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Theological Education, Autumn, Volume 16, Number 1, (1979)
Theological Method
Liberation, Method, and Dialogue: Enrique Dussel and North American Theological Discourse, Goizueta, Roberto S. , Atlanta, GA, p.xxiv, 174, (1988)
Theology, Crisis and Knowledge-Constitutive Interests, or Towards a Social Theoretical Interpretation of Theological Knowledge, Mejido, Manuel J. , Social Compass, S, Volume 51, Number 3, p.381-401, (2004)
Liberation and Method , Goizueta, Roberto S. , The Pedagogy of God's Image: essays on symbol and the religious imagination, Chico, CaA, p.113-134, (1982)
On Choosing a Symbol System for a Hispanic Theology, Romero, C. Gilbert , Apuntes, Winter, Volume 1, Number 4, p.16-20, (1981)
Creator of the Visible and the Invisible: Liberation Theology, Postmodernism, and the Spiritual, García-Rivera, Alejandro , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, August, Volume 3, Number 4, p.35-56, (1996)
La historización de la filosofía de la religión de Rahner en Ellacuría y Zubiri, Lassalle-Klein, Robert , Historia, Etica y Liberación. La actualidad de Zubiri, Granada, Spain

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