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El papel de la Teología de la Liberación en la identidad social de los Latinos, Rosado, Caleb , Cristianismo y Sociedad, Volume 93/94, 31/, Number 118-119, p.63-78, (1994)
Expanding the View: Gustavo Gutierrez and the Future of Liberation Theology, Maduro, Otto; Ellis, Marc H. , Maryknoll, NY, p.200, (1989)
El idioma de la resistencia, la superviviencia y la liberacion, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Vida y reflexion: Aportes de la teologia de la liberacion al pensamiento teologico actual, Lima, Peru, p.235-248, (1983)
Fiesta: Life in the Subjunctive, Goizueta, Roberto S. , From the Heart of our People: Latino/a Explorations in Catholic Systematic Theology, Maryknoll, NY, p.84-99, (1999)
From Christendom to Polycentric Oikonumé: Modernity, Postmodernity, and Liberation Theology, Mendieta, Eduardo , Liberation Theologies, Postmodernity, and the Americas, May, Number 4, New York, NY, p.57-76, (1998)
From Christendom to Polycentric Oikonumé: Modernity, Postmodernity, and Liberation Theology, Mendieta, Eduardo , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, May, Volume 3, Number 4, p.57-76, (1996)
Gustavo Gutierrez, Goizueta, Roberto S. , The Blackwell Companion to Political Theology, Oxford, p.288-301, (2004)
Gustavo Gutierrez: Essential Writings, Nickoloff, James B. , Minneapolis, MN, p.viii, 336 p., (1996)
Hispanic Women: Prophetic Voice in the Church, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María; Tarango, Yolanda , Scranton, PA, (2006)
Hispanic Christianity and Liberation Theology, Goizueta, Roberto S. , Christianity: The Complete Guide, London, (2005)
Hispanic American Theology and the Bible: Effective Weapon and Faithful Ally, Segovia, Fernando F. , We Are A People! Initiatives in Hispanic American Theology, Minneapolis, MN, p.21-50, (1992)
Ignacio Ellacuria's Debt to Xavier Zubiri: Critical Principles for a Latin American Philosophy and Theology of Liberation, Lassalle-Klein, Robert , Love That Produces Hope: the thought of Ignacio Ellacuría, Collegeville, MN, p.88-127, (2006)
Irokó e Ará-Kolé: Comentário exegético a um mito Iorubá-Lucumí, Espín, Orlando O. , Perspectiva Teológica, Jan/Abr, Volume 18, Number 44, p.29-61, (1986)
Knowing the God of the Poor: The Preferential Option for the Poor, Goizueta, Roberto S. , Opting for the Margins: Postmodernity and Liberation in Christian Thought, New York, p.143-156, (2003)
Liberation Theology's Transcendent Moment: The Work of Xavier Zubiri and Ignacio Ellacuria as Non-Contrastive Discourse, Lee, Michael F. , Journal of Religion, April, Volume 83, Number 2, p.226-243, (2003)
Liberation Hermeneutics: Revisiting the Foundations in Latin America, Segovia, Fernando F. , Towards a New Heaven and a New Earth: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Maryknoll, N.Y., p.106-132, (2003)
Liberation Spirituality and the Process of Canonization for St. Clare of Assisi, Cavazos-González, Gilberto , Cord, July/August, Number 52, p.142-152, (2002)
Liberation Theology, Maduro, Otto , Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Religion, New York, NY, (2000)
Liberation Theology and Democracy : Toward a New Historical Project, Petrella, Ivan , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, My, Volume 7, Number 4, p.50-67, (2000)
Liberation Theology: Practice of a People Hungering for Human Dignity, Pineda, Ana María , The Way: Contempory Christian Spirituality, July, Volume 38, Number 3, p.231-238, (1998)
Liberation Theology and Social Change: Chicanas and Chicanos in the Catholic Church, Cadena, Gilbert R.; Medina, Lara , Chicanas and Chicanos in Contemporary Society, Boston, p.99-111, (1996)
Liberation Theology and Postmodernity, Hopkins, Dwight N.; Mendieta, Eduardo , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, May, Volume 3, Number 4, p.3-76, (1996)
Liberation Theology in Peru: An Analysis of the Role of Intellectuals in Social Movements, Peña, Milagros , Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Mr, Volume 33, p.34-45, (1994)
Liberation Theology, Influence on Spirituality and Solidarity, Goizueta, Roberto S. , New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality, Collegeville, MN, (1993)
Liberation Theology, Maduro, Otto , A New Handbook of Christian Theology, Nashville, TN, p.287-293, (1992)

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