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Conclusion: Assessing and Interpreting 150 Years of Latino Faith-Based Civic Activism, Elizondo, Virgilio P.; Espinosa, Gaston; Miranda, Jesse , Latino Religions and Civic Activism in the United States, New York, NY, p.307-314, (2005)
Communities of Character: organizing around common values, Schultze, George E. , Sojourners, S-O, Volume 29, Number 5, p.14, (2000)
Covenanting with the Powerless: Strangers, Widows, and Orphans, Pineda, Ana María , Fordham Law Review, March, Volume 66, Number 4, p.1177-1179, (1998)
Conocimientos en Mosaico: Buscando Nuevas Propuestas para la Educacion Popular, Maduro, Otto , Bogota/Sao Paulo, p.61, (1997)
Christian Faith and Socialism: A Latin American Perspective, Maduro, Otto , Struggles for Solidarity: Liberation Theologies in Tension, Minneapolis, MN, (1991)
Building Bridges as Worlds Collide, Rivera, Anastacio , The Treasure of Guadalupe, Lanham, MD, p.31-36, (2006)
Bienaventurados los Perseguidos y los que Buscan la Paz, Aquino, María Pilar , Sal Terrae: Revista de Teología Pastoral, Diciembre, Number 12, Santander, p.895-907, (1989)
By Their Fruits You Will Know Them: The Biblical Roots of Peace and Justice, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Education for Peace and Justice, San Francisco, CA, p.39-65, (1983)
Bombs Before Bread: the impact of defense spending on the poor, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Book Forum, Volume 6, Number 3, p.329-336, (1983)
A Great Sign Appeared in the Sky, Durán, Socorro , The Treasure of Guadalupe, Lanham, MD, p.97-100, (2006)
Amos 5:21-24: Religion, Politics, and the Latino Experience, Romero, C. Gilbert , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, May, Volume 4, Number 4, p.21-41, (1997)
Are You an Emissary of Jesus Christ?: Justice, the Catholic Church, and the Chicano Movement, López Pulido, Alberto , Exploration in Ethnic Studies, (1991)
A Christian Response to the Poor, Maduro, Otto , World Parish, Volume 28, Number 250, Maryknoll, NY, (1988)
A Liberationist Perspective on Peace and Social Justice, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Education for Peace and Justice, San Francisco, CA, p.223-233, (1983)
"The Lord Requires Justice": Lessons on Leadership from the African American Church for Mexican American Catholics, López Pulido, Alberto; Vega, Santos C. , Latino Religions and Civic Activism in the United States, New York, NY, p.233-247, (2005)

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