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A Theology of New Mexican Folk Art: the Arroyo Seco Trinity, Colonna, Dominic , Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture, Fall, Volume 37, Number 3, p.172, (2002)
A Dream Unfinished: Theological Reflections on America from the Margins, Fernandez, Eleazar S.; Segovia, Fernando F. , Maryknoll, NY, p.ix, 292 p., (2001)
A Bicultural Approach to Religious Education (1981), Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Beyond Borders: Writings of Virgilio Elizondo and Friends, Maryknoll, NY, p.62-71, (2000)
Amos 5:21-24: Religion, Politics, and the Latino Experience, Romero, C. Gilbert , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, May, Volume 4, Number 4, p.21-41, (1997)
A Local Church's Ministry to its Hispanic People, Mahony, Roger M. , Origins, Volume 12, p.447, (1982)
A Challenge to Theology: The Situation of Hispanic Americans, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, Volume 30, p.163-176, (1975)
Beyond the Frontier Myth , Goizueta, Roberto S. , Hispanic Christian Thought at the Dawn of the 21st Century: apuntes in honor of Justo L. González, Nashville, TN, p.150-158, (2005)
Border Crossings: Sociological Analysis and the Latina and Latino Religious Experience, Peña, Milagros , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, Feb, Volume 4, Number 3, p.13-27, (1997)
Cultural Conflicts and Identity: Second-Generation Hispanic Catholics in the United States, Roof, Wade Clark; Manning, Christel , Social Compass, Volume 41, Number 1, p.171-184, (1994)
Catholic Ethos as Politics: The Puerto Rican Nationalists, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Twentieth-Century World Religious Movements in Neo-Weberian Perspective, Lewiston, NY, p.172-193, (1992)
El Sentido de la diversidad: recientes investigaciones sobra las minorías hispanas en los Estados Unidos, Cortina, Rodolfo J.; Moncada, Alberto , Hispanos en los Estados Unidos, Madrid, (1988)
From Barrios to Barricades: Religion and Religious Institutions in the History of Latinos/as Since 1960, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , The Columbia History of Latinos, New York, NY, p.303-354, (2004)
Hispanic Catholics (U.S.A.), Díaz, Miguel H. , The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia, Collegeville, MN, p.363-366, (2004)
Honor, Shame, and Conquest: male identity, sexual violence, and the body politic, Tombs, David , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, My, Volume 9, Number 4, p.21-40, (2002)
How Latino/Hispanic Identity Becomes a Religious Reality, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches, Nashville, TN, p.5-6, (1994)
La Realidad Latina en los EEUU: Sombras y Luces, Fernández, Eduardo C. , Reflexiones Catequéticas: Encuentro de San Antonio, Texas, Julio de 1995, Bogotá, p.175-179, (1996)
La religión latina en Estados Unidos: luchas pasadas y tendencias presentes, Traverzo, David , Cristianismo y Sociedad, Volume 93/94 & 31, Number 118-119, p.79-94, (1994)
Latinos in the United States: The Sacred and the Political, Abalos, David , Notre Dame, IN, p.xviii, 204 p., (1986)
Latinization in the U.S.: a study of the Hispanic population explosion and its implications for the nation's foreign and domestic policies, Sandoval, Moises , New York, p.4 pts. in 1 v, (1977)
Mapas para la Fiesta: reflexiones latinoamericanas sobre la crisis y el conocimiento, Maduro, Otto , Atlanta, GA, p.214 pp., (1998)
Mapas para la Fiesta: reflexiones latinoamericanas sobre la crisis y el conocimiento, Maduro, Otto , Volume 2, Caracas, Venezuela, p.171 pp., (1997)
Mapas para a Fiesta: reflexiones Latinoamericanas sobre a crise o conhecimento, Maduro, Otto , Petropolis, Brazil, p.196 pp., (1994)
Mapas para La Fiesta: reflexiones Latinoamericanas sobre la crisis y el conocimiento, Maduro, Otto , Buenos Aires, p.148 pp., (1993)
Old Masks, New Faces: Religion and Latino Identities, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M.; Cadena, Gilbert R. , PARAL (Program for the Analysis of Religion Among Latinos) Studies Series, Volume II, New York, NY, p.196 pp., (1995)
Politics and the U.S. Latina and Latino Religious Experience, Barvosa-Carter, Edwina , Introduction to the U.S. Latina and Latino Religious Experience, Volume 2, Boston, MA, p.xii, 322 p., (2004)

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