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Globalization and Biblical Criticism, Segovia, Fernando F. , The Spire, November, p.12-13,28, (1994)
Globalization and Christianity in the 21st Century, Maduro, Otto , Convergence, July, Number 7, Barcelone/Fribourg, p.17-22, (1997)
Globalizacion y Cristianismo de cara al siglo XXI (y II): Un par de Desafios desde la Perspectiva de un Emigrante Latinoamericano, Maduro, Otto , SIC, Sept-Oct, Volume LXI, Number 608, p.379-381, (1998)
Globalizacion y cristianismo de cura al siglo XXI (I y): Un par de desafios desde la perspectiva de un emigrante latinoamericano, Maduro, Otto , SIC, Aug, Volume LXI, Number 607, p.308-311, (1998)
La Experiencia Religiosa en el Contexto de la Globalización, Espín, Orlando O. , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, N, Volume 7, Number 2, p.13-31, (1999)
Religion in America: churches, globalization, and democratization, Vásquez, Manuel A. , Journal of interamerican studies and world affairs,; v. 41, no. 4;, Miami, FL,, 148 p., (1999)
Toward a New Agenda for the Study of Religion in the Americas, Vásquez, Manuel A. , Religion in America: churches, globalization, and democratization, Volume 41, no. 4;, Miami, FL,, 148 p., (1999)
Contextualization in U.S. Hispanic theology, Schreiter, Robert J. , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, N, Volume 8, Number 2, p.18-32, (2000)
La Experiencia Religiosa en el Contexto de la Globalización, Espín, Orlando O. , Kapitalistische Globalisierung und Befreiung: Religiöse Erfahrungen und Option für das Leben, N, Number 2, Frankfurt/M, Germany, p.210-226, (2000)
Immigration, Territory, and Globalization: Theological Reflections, Espín, Orlando O. , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, F, Volume 7, Number 3, p.46-59, (2000)
Hope in a Globalized World: response to Susan Kendall, Tirres, Christopher , Koinonia, Spr, Volume 13, Number 1, p.41-46, (2001)
Globalization, Social Policy, and Christianity at the Dawn of a New Millennium: Some Reflections from a Latin American Emigrant Perspective, Maduro, Otto , Religion and Social Policy, New York, NY, (2001)
The Global and the Local, Peterson, Anna Lisa; Vásquez, Manuel A.; Williams, Philip J. , Christianity, Social Change, and Globalization in the Americas, New Brunswick, NJ, p.210-228, (2001)
The Globalization of Christianity: Developments and Consequences, Segovia, Fernando F. , The Spire, Fall, Volume 23, Number 2, p.31-34, (2002)
As Dinâmicas da Globalização e a Universidade. Para uma Transformação Feminista, Democrático-emancipadora Radical, Aquino, María Pilar , Perspectiva Teológica, Volume Ano XXXIV, Number No. 92, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, p.37-62, (2002)
Reading across Canons: U.S. Hispanic Reflections on Globalization and the Senses of Scripture, Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, May, Volume 10, Number 4, p.22-44, (2003)
Encountering the Bible in an Age of Diversity and Globalization: teaching toward intercultural criticism, Lozada, Francisco , New Horizons in Hispanic/Latino(a) Theology, Cleveland, OH, p.13-34, (2003)
Globalizing the Sacred: religion across the Americas, Vásquez, Manuel A.; Marquardt, Marie F. , New Brunswick, NJ, p.viii, 255 p., (2003)
La Experienca de lo Sagrado en el Contexto Contemporáneo de Globalización, Espín, Orlando O. , Resistencia y solidaridad, Madrid, p.171-190, (2003)
The Dynamics of Globalization and the University: toward a radical democratic-emancipatory transformation, Aquino, María Pilar , Toward a New Heaven and a New Earth: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Maryknoll, NY, p.385-406, (2003)
A Response to Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza's 'Feminist Studies in Religion and The*logy in Between Nationalism and Globalization', Aquino, María Pilar , Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Spring, p.134-139, (2005)
Globalization, Spirituality, and Justice: navigating a path to peace, Groody, Daniel G. , Theology in global perspective series, Maryknoll, NY, (2007)
The Feminist Option for the Poor and Oppressed in the Context of Globalization, Aquino, María Pilar , The Option for the Poor in Christian Theology, South Bend, IN, p.191-215, (2007)

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