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Catholic Church -- Missions -- United States.
Junípero Serra: a pictorial biography, Morgado, Martin J. , Monterey, CA, p.137 p., (1991)
Colonial Period
San Pedro Alcántara and the Barefoot Friars in New Mexico, Kraemer, Paul , Seeds of Struggle/Harvest of Faith: The Papers of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Cuarto Centennial Conference. The History of the Catholic Church in New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, p.69-80, (1998)
Eucharist/Eucharistic Theology
The Theology of the Eucharist in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century: Reception according to the Franciscans, Macy, Gary , San Diego, CA, p.23 l., (1986)
Liberation Spirituality and the Process of Canonization for St. Clare of Assisi, Cavazos-González, Gilberto , Cord, July/August, Number 52, p.142-152, (2002)
Transplanting "Deep, Living Roots": Franciscan Missionaries and the Colonization of New Mexico--the Fledgling Years, 1598-1616, Almaráz, Félix D. , Seeds of Struggle/Harvest of Faith: The Papers of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Cuarto Centennial Conference. The History of the Catholic Church in New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, p.1-26, (1998)
The Church in El Paso del Norte in the Eighteenth Century, Hendricks, Rick , Seeds of Struggle/Harvest of Faith: The Papers of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Cuarto Centennial Conference. The History of the Catholic Church in New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, p.101-118, (1998)
Mirroring the Life of God in Medio Luporum: Returning to the Heart of the Franciscan Mission, Díaz, Miguel H. , The Cord: A Franciscan Spiritual Review, Volume 55, Number 6, p.278-289, (2005)
The Influence of the Roman Catholic Church in New Mexico under Mexican Administration: 1821-1848, Martínez, Félix D. , Seeds of Struggle/Harvest of Faith: The Papers of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Cuarto Centennial Conference. The History of the Catholic Church in New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, p.329-344, (1998)
Reluctant Dawn: historia del padre A.J. Martínez, cura de Taos, Romero, Juan; Sandoval, Moises , San Antonio, TX, p.51 p., (1976)
Reluctant Dawn: historia del padre A.J. Martínez, cura de Taos, Romero, Juan; Sandoval, Moises , Palm Springs, CA, (2006)

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