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Hispanics and the Sects in the United States, Diás Vilar, J. Juan , The Catholic World, November/Decembe, Volume 233, p.263-265, (1990)
Introduction/Presentación to Libranos del mal: La religion en la literatura Chicana, Rodríguez, Jeanette , Puentes, Revista mèxico-chicana de literature, cultura y arte, October, Number 4, (2006)
Introduction to the U.S. Latina and Latino Religious Experience, Avalos, Hector , Religion in the Americas series, Volume 2, Boston, MA, p.xii, 322 p., (2004)
In the World but Not of It: Exile as Locus for a Theology of the Diaspora, Segovia, Fernando F. , Hispanic/Latino Theology: Challenge and the Promise, Minneapolis, MN, p.195-217, (1996)
Including Women's Experience: a Latina Feminist Perspective, Aquino, María Pilar , In the Embrace of God: Feminist Approaches to Theological Anthropology, Maryknoll, NY, p.51-70, (1995)
Judith Ortiz Cofer's Silent Dancing: the self-portrait of the artist as a young, bicultural girl, Olazagasti-Segovia, Elena , Hispanic/Latino Theology: Challenge and Promise, Minneapolis, MN, p.45-62, (1996)
Latinas Writing Theology at the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century, Pineda-Madrid, Nancy , Feminist Theologies: legacy and prospect, Minneapolis, MN, p.55-65, (2007)
Las Hermanas: Latinas and religious-political activism, Medina, Lara , Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America, Bloomington, IN, (2006)
Latina Popular Catholicism, Rodríguez, Jeanette , Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America, Bloomington, IN, (2006)
La Quinceañera: Traditioning and the Social Construction of the Mexican American Female, Torres, Theresa , Futuring Our Past: Explorations in the Theology of Tradition, Maryknoll, NY, p.277-298, (2006)
Las Hermanas: Chicana/Latina religious-political activism in the U.S. Catholic Church, Medina, Lara , Philadelphia, PA, p.xii, 214 p., (2005)
Latino Religion in the Northeast, Tirres, Christopher , The Encyclopedia of New England: the culture and history of an American region, New Haven, CT, (2005)
La Lucha: My Story, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Transforming the Faiths of Our Fathers: Women Who Changed American Religion, New York, NY, (2004)
La Humanidad Peregrina Viviente: Migración y Experiencia Religiosa, Aquino, María Pilar , Chakana: Intercultural Forum of Theology and Philosophy, Volume 1, Number 1, Frankfurt, p.85-120, (2003)
La Humanidad Peregrina Viviente: Migración y Experiencia Religiosa, Aquino, María Pilar , Migration, Religious Experience, and Globalization, Staten Island, NY, p.103-142, (2003)
La Experienca de lo Sagrado en el Contexto Contemporáneo de Globalización, Espín, Orlando O. , Resistencia y solidaridad, Madrid, p.171-190, (2003)
Latino Christian Faith Communities Growing in Number and Diversity, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , CARA Report, Spr, Volume 8, Number 4, p.11, (2003)
Latina Theology, Pineda-Madrid, Nancy , New Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8, Washington, DC, p.369-370, (2002)
Latina Activists: Toward An Inclusive Spirituality of Being in the World, Rodríguez, Jeanette , A Reader in Latina Feminist Theology: Religion and Justice, Austin, TX, (2002)
Latinos and Ecumenism: Compelling Servants in a New Era, Fernández, Eduardo C. , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, November, Volume 9, Number 2, p.5-16, (2001)
La Experiencia Religiosa en el Contexto de la Globalización, Espín, Orlando O. , Kapitalistische Globalisierung und Befreiung: Religiöse Erfahrungen und Option für das Leben, N, Number 2, Frankfurt/M, Germany, p.210-226, (2000)
La Experiencia Religiosa en el Contexto de la Globalización, Espín, Orlando O. , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, N, Volume 7, Number 2, p.13-31, (1999)
Latina Religious Practice: Analyzing Cultural Dimensions in Measures of Religiosity, Peña, Milagros; Frehill, Lisa M. , Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, D, Volume 37, p.620-635, (1998)
La Teología, La Igleja e La Mulher Na América Latina, Aquino, María Pilar , São Paulo, Brasil, (1997)
La Realidad Latina en los EEUU: Sombras y Luces, Fernández, Eduardo C. , Reflexiones Catequéticas: Encuentro de San Antonio, Texas, Julio de 1995, Bogotá, p.175-179, (1996)

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