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El espejo en la cruz: una refleccion medieval en las cruces atriales de Mexico, Lara, Jaime , Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Esteticas, Number 69, Mexico City, (1996)
Las Religiosidad Popular: Imágenes de Jesucristo y la Virgen María en Latinoamérica, Lara, Jaime , San Antonio, TX; New York, p.42 p., (1990)
Popular Religion as the Core of Cultural Identity Based on the Mexican American Experience in the United States, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , An Enduring Flame: Studies on Latino Popular Religiosity, Volume I, New York, NY, p.113-132, (1994)
The Beauty of the Cross: the passion of Christ in theology and the arts, from the catacombs to the eve of the Renaissance, Viladesau, Richard R. , Oxford; New York, p.viii, 214 p. : ill. ; 25 cm., (2006)
Towards an Understanding of Synthesis in Iberian Hispanic American Popular Religiosity, Vidal, Jaime R. , An Enduring Flame: Studies on Latino Popular Religiosity, Volume I, New York, NY, p.69-95, (1994)
The Cross in Mexican Popular Piety, Icaza, Rosa María , Liturgy, Volume 1, Number 1, p.27-34, (1980)
The Cross in Mexican American Popular Piety, Icaza, Rosa María , Liturgy: the holy cross, Number 1, Washington, DC, (1980)

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