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Pastoral Care of Catholic South Americans Living in the United States, Tabares, Fanny , Chicago Studies, December, Volume 36, Number 3, p.169-281, (1997)
La Familia Hispana y el Plan Pastoral / Hispanic Family and the Pastoral Plan, Torres, Baldomero; Torres, Mavi , Visión Profética: Reflexiones pastorales sobre el plan pastoral para el ministerio Hispano / Prophetic Vision: pastoral reflections on the National pastoral plan for Hispanic ministry , Kansas City, MO, p.122-133 (Spanish); 297-307 (English), (1992)
Evangelizing Hispanics in the South, Tarango, Yolanda , Mission 2009: The Future of the Catholic Church in the South, Atlanta, GA, (1990)
National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic ministry, The editors , Origins, 10 December, Volume 17, p.449+, (1987)
Ministry with Young Adult Women, Tarango, Yolanda , Call to Growth in Ministry, Fall, Volume 6, Number 1, (1980)
Encuentro and Mission: a renewed pastoral framework for Hispanic ministry, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops , Origins, Volume 32, Number 26, p.425, (2002)
Pastoral Ministry in a Multi-cultural Society, Urrabazo, Rosendo , Origins , November 19, Volume 22, Number 23, p.386-391, (1992)
Pastoral Education of Hispanic Adults, Urrabazo, Rosendo , Missiology: An International Review, April, Volume 20, Number 2, p.258-260, (1992)
Responsabilidad Social Cristiana: Una Opción por los Pobres / Christian Social Responsibility: An Option for the Poor, Urrabazo, Rosendo , Visión Profética: Reflexiones pastorales sobre el plan pastoral para el ministerio Hispano / Prophetic Vision: pastoral reflections on the National pastoral plan for Hispanic ministry , Kansas City, MO, p.122-133 (Spanish); 297-307 (English), (1992)
Charismatic Renewal Among Latino Catholics, Vásquez, Manuel A. , Religions of the United States in Practice, Volume 2, Princeton, NJ, p.346-354, (2001)
El Liderazgo Cristiano como Servicio / Christian Leadership as Service, Vizcaíno, Mario , Visión Profética: Reflexiones pastorales sobre el plan pastoral para el ministerio Hispano / Prophetic Vision: pastoral reflections on the National pastoral plan for Hispanic ministry , Kansas City, MO, p.170-175 (Spanish); 343-348 (English), (1992)
Evangelization: then and now (?), Vidal, Jaime R.; Herrera, Marina , New Theology Review, November, Volume 3, Number 4, p.6-21, (1990)
Hispanic Bienvenida: an embrace and a kiss, Vela, Rudy , Pastoral Music, June-July, Volume 13, Number 5, p.40, (1989)
Popular Religion among Hispanics in the General Area of the Archdiocese of Newark, Vidal, Jaime R. , Nueva Presencia: Knowledge for service and hope, Newark, NJ, p.235-352, (1988)
Elizondo's Pastoral Theology in Action: an inductive appreciation, Warner, R. Stephen , Beyond Borders: Writings of Virgilio Elizondo and Friends, Maryknoll, NY, p.47-57, (2000)
Project 13: Hispanic Vocations and Formation [in US Catholic church], Ward, James Garcia , Apuntes, Volume 10, Number 1, p.15-16, (1990)
Caribbean Contribution, Zapata, Dominga M. , Perspectivas: Hispanic ministry, Kansas City, MO, p.13-21, (1995)
El Ser y el Hacer de la Iglesia: Pastoral de Conjunto / The Being and Doing of Church: Pastoral de Conjunto, Zapata, Dominga M. , Visión Profética: Reflexiones pastorales sobre el plan pastoral para el ministerio Hispano / Prophetic Vision: pastoral reflections on the National pastoral plan for Hispanic ministry , Kansas City, MO, p.91-100 (Spanish); 267-276 (English), (1992)
Ministries Among Hispanics in the United States: development and change, Zapata, Dominga M. , New Theology Review, November, Volume 3, Number 4, p.62-71, (1990)
The Caribbean Hispanic Contribution: a Puerto Rican perspective, Zapata, Dominga M. , The Catholic World, November/Decembe, Volume 233, p.257-62, (1990)

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