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Catholic Church
Catholicism's Emerging Role in Puerto Rico, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , America, April 15, Volume 182, Number 13, p.8-11, (2000)
CELAM (Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano)
CELAM's Policies on the Culture/Cultures Problem, Castillo Coronado, Jesús , Louvain Studies, Volume 20, Number 4, p.380-392, (1995)
Celibacy -- Catholic Church
Celibate Love and Sexuality, Kemper, John C. , Priest, Jul-Aug, Volume 37, p.39-44, (1981)
Chicano/a -- Movement
Are You an Emissary of Jesus Christ?: Justice, the Catholic Church, and the Chicano Movement, López Pulido, Alberto , Exploration in Ethnic Studies, (1991)
In Their Own Way: Parish Funding and Mexican American Ethnicity in Catholic Houston 1911-1972, Treviño, Roberto R. , Latino Studies Journal, September, Volume 5, Number 3, p.87-107, (1994)
Chicano Clergy and the Emergence of Liberation Theology, Cadena, Gilbert R. , Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Volume 2, Number 2, p.107-121, (1989)
Child abuse -- religious aspects -- Catholic Church
A Consecrated Bubble Boy, Davis, Kenneth G. , Pastoral Life, Volume 54, Number 2, p.38-40, (2004)
Christian Education
Religious Education in the United States, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , The Transmission of the Faith to the Next Generation, Volume 174, Edinburgh, (1984)
Christian education
The Priest Who Made Schools Bloom in the Desert: Peter Küppers, 1911-1957, Jaehn, Tomas , Seeds of Struggle/Harvest of Faith: The Papers of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Cuarto Centennial Conference. The History of the Catholic Church in New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, p.291-310, (1998)
Christian Education
The Mexican American Religious Education Experience, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Ethnicity in the Education of the Church, June, p.75-89, (1987)
Cultural Pluralism and the Catechism (1994), Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Beyond Borders: Writings of Virgilio Elizondo and Friends, Maryknoll, NY, p.72-86, (2000)
Christian-Jewish Relations
Church Empowerment, Liberation Theology and the Jewish Experience: A Latin American Catholic Perspective , Maduro, Otto , Christian Jewish Relations, Volume 21, Number 1, p.25-31, (1988)
Christianity and culture.
Enriched by Diversity: inculturation and catechesis, Herrera, Marina , Catechist, Oct, Volume 35, Number 2, p.54-58, (2001)
Church and social problems
Statement on Capital Punishment: Suggestions Lectionary Texts, López, José , Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Scranton, PA, p.17, (2005)
Statement on Capital Punishment (1980): Suggestions for Civil/Liturgical Occasions, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Scranton, PA, p.16, (2005)
"Living the Gospel of Life": Suggested Lectionary Texts, López, José , Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Scranton, PA, p.120, (2005)
"Living the Gospel of Life" (1998): Suggestions for Civil/Liturgical Occasions, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Scranton, PA, p.119, (2005)
"Economic Justice for All": Suggested Lectionary Texts, López, José , Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Scranton, PA, p.91-92, (2005)
A Decade After "Economic Justice for All" (1995): Suggestions for Civil/Liturgical Occasions, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Scranton, PA, p.90, (2005)
"Welcoming the Stranger Among Us": Suggestions for Civil/Liturgical Occasions, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Scranton, PA, p.191, (2005)
"Welcoming the Stranger Among Us": Suggested Liturgical Texts, López, José , Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Scranton, PA, p.192, (2005)
The Church and El Movimiento, Sandoval, Moises , Fronteras: a history of the Latin American Church in the USA since 1513, Volume X, San Antonio, TX, (1983)
"When I Call for Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women" (1992): Suggestions for Civil/Liturgical Occasions, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Scranton, PA, p.144, (2005)
"When I Call for Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women" (1992): Suggested Lectionary Texts, López, José , Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Scranton, PA, p.145, (2005)
Church work with Hispanic Americans.
When Parents are Upset, Sedano, Maruja , Religion Teachers' Journal, January, Number 26, p.17, (1993)

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The Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the U.S. (ACHTUS)


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