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Toward the Fulfillment of a Dream, Aymes, María de la Cruz , Faith and Culture: a multicultural catechetical resource, Volume 994-7, Washington, DC, p.65-76, (1987)
Exploring the Core of Biblical Faith: A Catechetical Primer, Abesamis, Carlos H. , Quezon City, Philipines, (1986)
Fe y Cultura: manual de dirección, curso básico para catequistas, Aymes, María de la Cruz; Buckley, Francis J.; Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Mahwah, NJ, p.vii, 104 p., (1986)
La Cuestion del Sentido y el Sentido de la Cuestion, Alfaro, Juan I. , Gregorianum, Volume 66, Number 3, p.387-403, (1985)
The Roots of Mestizo Catholicism in California, Alvarez, Salvador E. , Fronteras: a history of the Latin American Church in the USA since 1513, Volume X, San Antonio, p.239-254, (1983)
Theology and the Magisterium, Alfaro, Juan I. , Problems and Perspectives of Fundamental Theology, New York, NY, p.340-356, (1982)
Preguntas y Respuestas sobre la Biblia, Alfaro, Juan I. , Liguori, MO, p.62 p., (1982)
Adult Catechesis on Baptism, Alfaro, Juan I. , El pueblo celebra series: Baptism, San Antonio, TX, p.123 p., (1974)
Presenting Christ; selected lectures, Aymes, María de la Cruz , Slough, Bucks, England, p.105 p., (1969)

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