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Lay Ministry
The Mission of the Laity: some current issues, Hinojosa, Juan Lorenzo , Chicago Studies, Spr, Volume 39, p.5-16, (2000)
What's in a Name?, Hinojosa, Juan Lorenzo , U.S. Catholic, Volume 66, Number 1, p.42, (2001)
Latin American church history
La herencia medieval de America Latina: la ultima cruzada a una tierra prometida, Lara, Jaime , Revista Hispanoamericana, Cali, Colombia, (1997)
The Roman Catholic Missionary Experience in Ibero-America, Poole, Stafford , Word and World, Spring, Number 12, p.138-145, (1992)
Conversion Through Theatre: The Drama of the Church in Colonial Latin America, Lara, Jaime , Yale Latin American Review, Spring, Volume 1, Number 1, (1999)
The Musical Conquest of a World, Lara, Jaime , PRISM, Yale University, (1996)
Latin American history
The Sacramented Sun: Solar Eucharistic Worship in Colonial Latin America, Lara, Jaime , El Cuerpo de Cristo: The Hispanic Presence in the U.S. Catholic Church, New York, NY, p.261-291, (1998)
Religious Aspects of Women's Role in the Nicaraguan Revolution, Turner, Pauline , Women, Religion and Social Change, Albany, NY, p.321-349, (1985)
Latina/Hispanic Women
The Faith, Courage, and Spirit of New Mexico's Hispanic Pioneering Women: A Profile of Rural Catholicism, Chávez Bent, Pauline , Seeds of Struggle/Harvest of Faith: The Papers of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Cuarto Centennial Conference. The History of the Catholic Church in New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, p.311-328, (1998)
Latinas and the Church, Díaz-Stevens, Ana María , Hispanic Catholic Culture in the United States, Notre Dame, IN, p.240-277, (1994)
The Hispanic Woman and Her Role in the Church, Tarango, Yolanda , New Theology Review, November, Volume 3, Number 4, p.56-62, (1990)
Latino/Hispanic Theology
Glaube an der Grenze: die US-amerikanische Latino-Theologie, Fornet-Betancourt, Raúl , Theologie der Dritten Welt, Freiburg im Breisgau, p.280 p., (2002)
Las Hermanas
Transformative Struggle: the spirituality of Las Hermanas, Medina, Lara , New Horizons in Hispanic/Latino(a) Theology, Cleveland, OH, p.217-237, (2003)
Laity -- Catholic Church
Where the Laity Flourish, Deck, Allan Figueroa , America, Aug, Volume 195, Number 4, p.14-16, (2006)
Characteristics of Latino Lay Ministers, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , CARA Report, Spr, Volume 9, Number 4, p.9, (2004)
Keralum, Pierre Yves, Wright, Robert E. , The New Handbook of Texas, Volume III, Austin, TX, p.1074-1075, (1996)
The Contributions of the Jesuit Order in the New Mexico-Colorado-West Texas Mountain Mission, 1867-1919, Fernández, Eduardo C. , Seeds of Struggle/Harvest of Faith: The Papers of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Cuarto Centennial Conference. The History of the Catholic Church in New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, p.135-148, (1998)
No Strangers to Adversity: The Jesuits of the New Mexico-Colorado Mission, Verdieck, Edmund; Steele, Thomas J. , Seeds of Struggle/Harvest of Faith: The Papers of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Cuarto Centennial Conference. The History of the Catholic Church in New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, p.415-430, (1998)
Intercultural theology
La Teología Integrada a la Vida de la Iglesia, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Páginas, Diciembre, Number 6, p.14-16, (1981)
Indians of North America -- History.
El Farol Indano: The Administration of Sacraments to the Natives of New Spain, 1713, Sanchez, Joseph P. , Seeds of Struggle/Harvest of Faith: The Papers of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Cuarto Centennial Conference. The History of the Catholic Church in New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, p.53-67, (1998)
The Enculturation of Hispanics in the Catholic Church, Ponce, Frank , Agenda, Volume 10, Number 6, p.11-15, (1980)
Response to Peter C. Phan: Contemporary theology and inculturation in the United States, Goizueta, Roberto S. , The Multicultural Church: a new landscape in U.S. theologies, New York, NY, p.131-139, (1996)
Sensus Fidelium: Vehículo para la Inculturación en Culturas Concretas, Davis, Kenneth G. , Abrir Caminos a la Vida, Rome, p.120-127, (1999)
Construyendo la Misíon Evangelizadora de la Iglesia: Inculturacíon y Violencia Hacia las Mujeres, Aquino, María Pilar , Entre la Indignación y la Esperanza: Teología Feminista Latinoamericana, Bogotá, Colombia, p.63-91, (1998)
Immigrants and immigration
Welcoming the Stranger, Hall, Suzanne , Momentum: Journal of the National Catholic Educational Association, August-September, Volume 18, Number 3, p.19-22, (1997)

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