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La Mujer Hispana: Voz Profética en la Iglesia de los Estados Unidos, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Pro Mundi Vita, Brussels, Belgium, (1982)
La Teología Integrada a la Vida de la Iglesia, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Páginas, Diciembre, Number 6, p.14-16, (1981)
La Iglesia Catolica y el Chicano en sud Texas, Juarez, Jose Roberto , Aztlan, Volume 4, Number 2, p.217-255, (1973)
Making Christ Credible: U.S. Latino/a Popular Catholicism and the Liberating Nearness of God, Goizueta, Roberto S. , Practicing Catholic: ritual, body, and contestation in Catholic faith, New York, p.169-178, 302, (2006)
Misa, Mesa, y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church, Davis, Kenneth G. , Schiller Park, IL, (2004)
Mexican Religious Practices, Popular Catholicism, and the Development of Doctrine, Espín, Orlando O. , Horizons of the Sacred: Mexican Traditions in U.S. Catholicism, Ithaca, NY, p.139-152, (2002)
Moribundity and Metanoia: A Sociological Perspective on the Catholic Church in Socialist Cuba, Mejido, Manuel J. , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, Ag, Volume 6, p.32-60, (1998)
Manual Para Proclamadores de la Palabra: año C, 1998, Alfaro, Juan I.; Baumer, Fred; Del Valle Fatum, María Dolores , Chicago, IL, p.viii, 216 p., (1997)
Mexican Americans and the Catholic Church, 1900-1965, Dolan, Jay P.; Hinojosa, Gilberto M. , Notre Dame history of Hispanic Catholics in the U.S., Volume 1, Notre Dame, IN, p.vii, 380 p., (1997)
Mestizo Liturgy: A Mestizaje of the Roman and Hispanic Rites of Worship, Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo , Liturgical Ministry, Summer, Volume 6, p.141-147, (1997)
Mexican Americans and the Catholic Church, 1900-1965, Dolan, Jay P.; Hinojosa,Gilberto M. , Notre Dame history of Hispanic Catholics in the U.S., Notre Dame, IN, p.352 pp., (1994)
Mexican-American Faith Communities in Texas and the Southwest, Hinojosa, Gilberto M. , Mexican Americans and the Catholic Church, 1900-1965, Notre Dame, IN, p.9-125, (1994)
Mexican American Priests: History of PADRES 1969-89, Romero, Juan , Hispanics in the Church: Up from the Cellar, San Francisco, CA, p.71-94, (1994)
Mujer y Praxis ministerial hoy: La respuesta del Tercer Mundo, Aquino, María Pilar , Revista de Teología Bíblica, Number 46, Madrid, p.116-139, (1990)
Machacamarca, Bolivia, Bilgrien, Marie Vianney , Sisters Today, Volume 61, p.225, (1989)
Ministry and Vocations: Going Back to the Drawing Board, Deck, Allan Figueroa , America, March 14, Volume 156, p.212-218, (1987)
Mexamerica: Une galilee des nations , Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Catechese, Jan, Volume 102, p.99-107, (1986)
Multicultural Adult Catechesis: What is it and for whom?, Herrera, Marina , Christian Adulthood: a catechetical resource, Washington, DC, (1983)
Multicultural Catechesis, Herrera, Marina , Catechist, Feb, Volume 16, p.16, (1983)
Mexican Migration to the Midwest and East, Sandoval, Moises , Fronteras: a history of the Latin American Church in the USA since 1513, Volume X, San Antonio, TX, p.255-267, (1983)
Missionary Beginnings in Spanish Florida, the Southwest and California, Santos, Ricardo , Fronteras: a history of the Latin American Church in the USA since 1513, Volume X, San Antonio, TX, p.3-54, (1983)
Methodology and Themes for Hispanic Catechesis, Herrera, Marina , Washington, DC, (1979)
New World Conversions: The Shape of Faith in Hispanic America, Lara, Jaime , CIVA, November, Volume 6, Number 1, (1998)
Nicolas Eymeric and the Condemnation of Orthodoxy, Macy, Gary , The Devil, Heresy and Witchcraft in the Middle Ages: essays in honor of Jeffrey B. Russell, Leiden; Boston, p.369-381, (1998)
No Strangers to Adversity: The Jesuits of the New Mexico-Colorado Mission, Verdieck, Edmund; Steele, Thomas J. , Seeds of Struggle/Harvest of Faith: The Papers of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Cuarto Centennial Conference. The History of the Catholic Church in New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, p.415-430, (1998)

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