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Chicanos, Culture, and the Borderlands: Reflections on worship, Flores, Richard R. , Modern Liturgy, Volume 18, Number 9, p.16-17, (1991)
Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Chicago, IL, (2004)
Worship in a Multicultural Community, Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo; Hays, Kevin , Liturgy 80, May-June, p.13-14, (1986)
The Language of Faith, Prayer, and Religion, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Chicago, IL, (2004)
'Hablando se entiende la gente': El lenguaje de la reforma liturgica, Flores, Juan Javier , Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Chicago, IL, (2004)
The Language of the Arts, Lara, Jaime , Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Chicago, IL, (2004)
El Lenguaje de la Cultura Hispana y la Liturgia, Tobar, Dora , Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Chicago, IL, p.63-77, (2004)
Fiesta, Worship and Family: essays on Mexican-American perception on liturgy and family life, Ramírez, Ricardo , San Antonio, TX, (1981)
The Challenge of Worship in a Multi-Cultural Assembly, Francis, Mark R. , Liturgy, Volume 14, Number 4, p.3-9, (1998)
Youth Gangs and Religion among Salvadorans in Washington and El Salvador, Gomez, Ileana; Vásquez, Manuel A. , Christianity, Social Change, and Globalization in the Americas, New Brunswick, NJ, p.165-187, (2001)
Jovenes entre dos culturas/Youth caught between cultures, Marill, Alicia C. , El Momento Catolico, Number 29, (1992)
Youth and Culture, Marill, Alicia C. , Perspectivas: Hispanic Ministry, Kansas City, MO, p. 46-52, (1995)
La historización de la filosofía de la religión de Rahner en Ellacuría y Zubiri, Lassalle-Klein, Robert , Historia, Etica y Liberación. La actualidad de Zubiri, Granada, Spain

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