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"And They Began to Speak in Other Tongues": Competing Modes of Discourse in Contemporary Biblical Interpretation, Segovia, Fernando F. , Reading from This Place. Volume 1: Social Location and Biblical Interpretation in the United States, Volume 1, Minneapolis, MN, p.1-32, (1995)
"Peace I Leave With You; My Peace I Give To You": Discipleship in the Fourth Gospel, Segovia, Fernando F. , Discipleship in the New Testament, Philadelphia, PA, p.76-102, (1985)
'Magico-Popular Religion' in Contemporary Society: towards a post-western sociology of religion, Parker, Cristian; Mejido, Manuel J. , Theorising Religion: classical and contemporary debates, Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT, p.60-74 , (2006)
'Hablando se entiende la gente': El lenguaje de la reforma liturgica, Flores, Juan Javier , Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Chicago, IL, (2004)
'Tongues as of Fire': The Spirit as Paradigm for Ministry in a Multicultural Setting, Morgan, Maria Teresa , The Spirit in the Church and the World., Volume Annual Vol, Maryknoll, NY, p.105-123, (2004)
'Imagenes de Dios en el Camino': Retablos, Ex-Votos, 'Milagritos', and Murals, Pineda, Ana María , Theological Studies, June, Volume 65, Number 2, p.364-378, (2004)
'Medieval'--or just human?, Macy, Gary , National Catholic Reporter, Mar 15, Volume 38, Number 19, p.20, (2002)
'Normal church can't take us': Re-creating a pentecostal identity among the men and women of Victory Outreach, Sanchez-Walsh, Arlene M. , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, N, Volume 9, Number 2, p.48-78, (2001)
'Bautismo de Jesús,' A Magnificent Bulto by Santero Filimón Agular, Toomey, Don , Catholic Southwest, Volume 10, p.51-60, (1999)
'Precious Green Jade Water': A Sixteenth-Century Adult Catechumenate in the New World, Lara, Jaime , Worship, S, Volume 71, Number 5, p.415-428, (1997)
'His Name is Jesus': Negative Theology and Christology in Two Writings of Nicholas of Cusa from 1440, Casarella, Peter J. , Nicholas of Cusa on Christ and the Church: essays in honor of Chandler M. Brooks, Leiden, p.281-307, (1996)
'A Pox on Both Your Houses': a view of Catholic conservative-liberal polarities from the Hispanic margin, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Being Right: Conservative Catholics in America, Bloomington, IN, p.88-104, (1995)
'Reading the Bible in Spanish': Not Just for Hispanics Anymore!, Fernández, Eduardo C. , Harvest, Volume 28, Number 3, p.29-30, (1995)
'By the Rivers of Babylon': Exile as a Way of Life, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Reading From This Place, Volume 1: Social Location and Biblical Interpretation in the United States, Volume 1, Minneapolis, MN, p.148-163, (1995)
'My Dear Mom', Covarrubias, Consuelo , Así Es: stories of Hispanic spirituality, Collegeville, MN, p.21-26, (1994)
'Reading the Bible in Spanish': U.S. Catholic Hispanic Theologians' Contributions to Systematic Theology, Fernández, Eduardo C. , Apuntes, Fall, Volume 14, Number 3, p.86-90, (1994)
'Reading the Bible in Spanish': U.S. Catholic Hispanic Theologians' Contributions to Systematic Theology, Fernández, Eduardo C. , The Ecumenist, Volume 36, Number 1, p.10-12, (1994)
'Dear Father Arturo', Marquez, Clotilde Olvera , Así Es: stories of Hispanic spirituality, Collegeville, MN, p.93-100, (1994)
'Y Dios creó a la mujer': Teología y Mujer en América Latina, Aquino, María Pilar , Reflexión y Liberación, Volume IV, Number 15, Santiago, Chile, p.27-40, (1992)
'Apuntes' for a Hispanic Women's Theology of Liberation, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Voces: Voices from the Hispanic Church, Nashville, TN, p.24-31, (1992)
'Underneath' Hispanic Vocations, Riebe-Estrella, Gary , New Theology Review, Nov, Volume 3, Number 4, p.72-79, (1990)
'Apuntes' for a Hispanic Women's Theology of Liberation, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Apuntes, Fall, Number 6, p.61-71, (1986)
'Sacramental Thinking': A Common Ground for Inter-Religious Dialogue?, Espín, Orlando O. , Born of Slaves and Criollos/as: Toward a Cuban-American Inter-Religious Dialogue, Maryknoll, NY
1492-1992: The Voice of the Victims, Elizondo, Virgilio P.; Boff, Leonardo , Concilium, Philadelphia, PA, (1990)
2000: Reality and Hope, Elizondo, Virgilio P.; Sobrino, Jon , Concilium, Volume 5, London ; Maryknoll, NY, p.ix, 130 p., (1999)

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