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A Literary Reading of John 5: text as construction, Lozada, Francisco , Studies in Biblical Literature, Volume 20, New York, NY, p.138 p., (2000)
Decolonizing Biblical Studies: A View from the Margins, Segovia, Fernando F. , Maryknoll, NY, p.xi, 177 p., (2000)
Manual Para Proclamadores de la Palabra: año C, 1998, Alfaro, Juan I.; Baumer, Fred; Del Valle Fatum, María Dolores , Chicago, IL, p.viii, 216 p., (1997)
Esperanza y Gloria: introducción al Apocalipsis para Católicos, Alfaro, Juan I. , Liguori, MO, p.112 p., (1995)
Hope & Glory: a Catholic introduction to the book of Revelation, Alfaro, Juan I. , Liguori, MO, p.110 p., (1995)
Una Clave Para el Futuro?: preguntas y respuestas sobre el Apocalipsis, Alfaro, Juan I. , Colección Acción pastoral, Estella (Navarra), España, p.150 p., (1995)
Women of God, Women of the People: Four Biblical Meditations, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , St. Louis, MO, (1995)
Hispanic Devotional Piety: Tracing the Biblical Roots, Romero, C. Gilbert , Faith and Cultures Series, Maryknoll, NY, p.140 p., (1991)
The Farewell of the Word: The Johannine Call to Abide, Segovia, Fernando F. , Minneapolis, MN, p.xvi, 341 p., (1991)
Paul: saint of the inner city, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , New York, NY, p.iii, 109 p., (1990)
Ezekiel in the Apocalypse: the transformation of prophetic language in Revelation 16,17-19,10, Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , European university studies. Series XXIII, Theology, Volume 376, New York, NY, p.xx, 607 p., (1989)
Justice and Loyalty: a commentary on the Book of Micah, Alfaro, Juan I. , International Theological Commentary, Grand Rapids, MI; Edinburgh, p.x, 85 p., (1989)
The Exodus in the Theologies of Liberation of Gustavo Gutiérrez and J. Severino Croatto, Bañuelas, Arturo J. , Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana Facultas Theologiae, Rome, p.vii, 362 p., (1987)
Exploring the Core of Biblical Faith: A Catechetical Primer, Abesamis, Carlos H. , Quezon City, Philipines, (1986)
Love Relationships in the Johannine Tradition: Agape/Agapan in I John and the Fourth Gospel, Segovia, Fernando F. , Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series, Volume 58, Chico, CA, (1982)
Preguntas y Respuestas sobre la Biblia, Alfaro, Juan I. , Liguori, MO, p.62 p., (1982)
Mary Woman-Mother of Christians in the Struggles for Liberation in the Gospel of St. John, Alfaro, Juan I. , Cuadernos Biblicos 2, San Antonio, TX, p.iv, 28p., (1979)
Book Chapter
The Gospel of John, Segovia, Fernando F. , A Postcolonial Commentary on the New Testament Writings, Edinburgh, (2007)
Betwixt and Between on the Lord's Day: liturgy and the Apocalypse, Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , The Reality of Apocalypse: rhetoric and politics in the book of Revelation, Leiden; Boston, (2006)
Facing the Dragon's Fire, Doak, Mary , The Treasure of Guadalupe, Lanham, MD, p.1-8, (2006)
Hearing and Seeing but not Saying: a rhetoric of authority , Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , The Reality of Apocalypse: rhetoric and politics in the book of Revelation, Leiden; Boston, (2006)
Reinventing the Biblical Tradition: An Exploration of Social Location Hermeneutics, Lozada, Francisco , Futuring Our Past: Explorations in the Theology of Tradition, Maryknoll, NY, p.113-140, (2006)
Reading between the Lines: Toward a Latino/a (Re)configuration of Scripture and Tradition, Ruíz, Jean-Pierre , Futuring Our Past: Explorations in the Theology of Tradition, Maryknoll, NY, p.83-112, (2006)
Lecture postcoloniale, Segovia, Fernando F. , Guide des nouvelles lectures de la Bible, Paris, p.246-272, (2005)
Mapping the Postcolonial Optic in Biblical Criticism: Meaning and Scope, Segovia, Fernando F. , Postcolonial Biblical Criticism: Interdisciplinary Interventions, London-New York, (2005)

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