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Toward a Hermeneutics of the Diaspora: A Hermeneutics of Otherness and Engagement, Segovia, Fernando F. , Reading from This Place, Volume 1: Social Location and Biblical Interpretation in the United States, Volume 1, Minneapolis, MN, p.57-74, (1995)
The Emerging Project of Asian Biblical Hermeneutics: Reading Asian Readers, Segovia, Fernando F. , Biblical Interpretation, Volume 2, p.371-373, (1994)
The Gospel at the Close of the Century: Engagement from the Diaspora, Segovia, Fernando F. , "What is John?" Volume 1: Readers and Readings of the Fourth Gospel, Atlanta, GA, p.211-216, (1996)
Toward a Hermeneutics of the Diaspora: a hermeneutics of otherness and engagement , Segovia, Fernando F. , Hispanic Christian Thought at the Dawn of the 21st Century: apuntes in honor of Justo L. Gonzalez, Nashville, TN, p.55-68, (2005)
Reading the Bible as Hispanic Americans, Segovia, Fernando F. , The New Interpreter's Bible, Nashville, TN, p.167-173, (1994)
Biblical Criticism and Postcolonial Studies: Toward a Postcolonial Optic, Segovia, Fernando F. , The Postcolonial Bible, Sheffield, England, (1998)
"And They Began to Speak in Other Tongues": Competing Modes of Discourse in Contemporary Biblical Interpretation, Segovia, Fernando F. , Reading from This Place. Volume 1: Social Location and Biblical Interpretation in the United States, Volume 1, Minneapolis, MN, p.1-32, (1995)
Reading-Across: Reading Strategy and Textual Posture in Intercultural Criticism, Segovia, Fernando F. , Interpreting beyond Borders, Sheffield, England, p.59-83, (2000)
The Text as Other: Towards a Hispanic American Hermeneutics, Segovia, Fernando F. , Text and Experience: Toward a Cultural Exegesis of the Bible, Sheffield, England, p.276-298, (1995)
Liberation Hermeneutics: Revisiting the Foundations in Latin America, Segovia, Fernando F. , Towards a New Heaven and a New Earth: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Maryknoll, N.Y., p.106-132, (2003)
The Globalization of Christianity: Developments and Consequences, Segovia, Fernando F. , The Spire, Fall, Volume 23, Number 2, p.31-34, (2002)
Deconstruction, Segovia, Fernando F. , Dictionary of Third World Theologies, Maryknoll, NY, p.66-67, (2000)
Bible (N.T.) - criticism
Discipleship in the New Testament, Segovia, Fernando F. , Philadelphia, PA, p.xiv, 213 p., (1985)
Call and Discipleship: Toward a Reexaminiation of the Shape and Character of Christian Discipleship in the New Testament, Segovia, Fernando F. , Discipleship in the New Testament, Philadelphia, PA, p.1-23, (1985)
Discipleship in the New Testament, Segovia, Fernando F. , Ramsey, (1994)
A Postcolonial Commentary on the New Testament Writings, Segovia, Fernando F.; Sugirtharajah, R.S. , Edinburgh, p.432 pp., (2007)
Bible (N.T.) Gospel of John -- criticism
The Final Farewell of Jesus: A Reading of John 20:30-21-25, Segovia, Fernando F. , The Fourth Gospel From A Literary Perspective, Volume 53, Atlanta, GA, p.167-190, (1991)
The Love and Hatred of Jesus and Johannine Sectarianism, Segovia, Fernando F. , The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Ap, Volume 43, p.258-272, (1981)
Love Relationships in the Johannine Tradition: Agape/Agapan in I John and the Fourth Gospel, Segovia, Fernando F. , Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series, Volume 58, Chico, CA, (1982)
John 13:1-20: The Footwashing in the Johannine Tradition, Segovia, Fernando F. , Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, Volume 73, Number 1-2, p.31-51, (1982)
John 15:18-16:4a - A First Addition to the Original Farewell Discourse?, Segovia, Fernando F. , The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Ap, Volume 45, p.210-230, (1983)
The Journey(s) of the Word: A Reading of the Plot of the Fourth Gospel, Segovia, Fernando F. , The Fourth Gospel From A Literary Perspective, Volume 53, Atlanta, GA, p.23-54, (1991)
The Significance of Social Location in Reading John's Story, Segovia, Fernando F. , Gospel Interpretation: Narrative-Critical and Social-Scientific Approaches, Harrisburg, PA, p.212-221, (1997)
Inclusion and Exclusion in John 17, Segovia, Fernando F. , "What is John?" Volume 2: Literary Social Readings of the Fourth Gospel, Volume 2, Atlanta, GA, p.183-210, (1998)
John 1:1-18 as Entrée into Johannine Reality: Representation and Ramifications, Segovia, Fernando F. , Reading and Preaching John: Essays in Honor of Robert Kysar, St. Louis, MO, p.33-64, (2002)

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