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Conference Paper
Peasant Religious Symbolism: Its Relative Automony, Maduro, Otto , International Conference on the Sociology of Religion: Symbolism, Lille, France, p.349-355, (1977)
Marxist Analysis and Sociology of Religion , Maduro, Otto , International Conference on the Sociology of Religion: Acts of the 13th Conference: Religion and Social Change, Lille, France, p.395-401, (1975)
Magazine Article
Cual Violencia? Cual Solucion?, Maduro, Otto , El Interprete, Volume 35, Number 4, p.6-7, (1997)
Visiones estaticas y dinamicas del poder, Maduro, Otto , El Vigilante, July 23, p.5, (1995)
Sueno para el futuro:Vida justa para todos , Maduro, Otto , Revista Maryknoll, Volume 13, Number 9, p.26-28, (1992)
Reflexiones sobre el Sincretismo de los Latinos en los EE.UU, Maduro, Otto , Emeritense-Historia en la Web: Revista Electronica de Historia, July, (1998)
Judaism, Christianity, and Liberation, Maduro, Otto , Maryknoll, NY, p.152, (1991)
Expanding the View: Gustavo Gutierrez and the Future of Liberation Theology, Maduro, Otto; Ellis, Marc H. , Maryknoll, NY, p.200, (1989)

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