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Latino/Hispanic Theology
Broadening the Discourse at the Theological Table: An Overview of Latino Theology 1968-1993, Medina, Lara , Latino Studies Journal, September, Volume 5, Number 3, p.10-36, (1994)
Estado actual del arte liturgico en los Estados Unidos, Lara, Jaime , Actas del Primer Simposio Internacional de Arte Sacro en Mexico, Mexico City, (1992)
New Spain
Cristo-Helios Americano: la inculturacion del culto solar en los virreynatos de Nueva Espana y el Peru, Lara, Jaime , Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Esteticas, Number 74-75, (1999)
Popular religion
Las Religiosidad Popular: Imágenes de Jesucristo y la Virgen María en Latinoamérica, Lara, Jaime , San Antonio, TX; New York, p.42 p., (1990)
Visual Preaching: The Witness of Our Latin Eyes, Lara, Jaime , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Chicago, IL, p.75-92, (2000)
Religious architecture and space
Prologue, Lara, Jaime , El Mensaje Simbolico del Templo Cristiano: Arquitectura, iconografia e liturgia, Madrid, (1994)
The Hidden Treasure of Environment and Art in Catholic Worship, Lara, Jaime , Gracias, Volume 1, Number 5, Chicago, (1999)
Versus Populum Revisited: archaeological and historical evidence relating to where one stood during liturgy, Lara, Jaime , Worship, My, Volume 68, Number 3, p.210-221, (1994)
Introducion para el Lector: Ambiente y Arte en el Culto Catolico, Lara, Jaime , Los Documentos Liturgicos, Chicago, IL, (1997)
City, Temple, Stage: Eschatological Architecture and Liturgical Theatrics in New Spain, Lara, Jaime , Notre Dame, IN, p.x, 299 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), maps (some col.) ; 26 x 29 cm., (2004)
God's Good Taste: The Jesuit Architectural Aesthetics of J.B. Villalpando in the Sixth and Tenth Centuries B.C.E., Lara, Jaime , The Jesuits: cultures, sciences, and the arts, 1540-1773, Toronto, (1999)
Los frescos recientemente descubiertos de Sutatausa, Cundinamarca, Lara, Jaime , Ensayos 1995-96, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, (1997)
The Font Resurging, Lara, Jaime , The Chicago Catechumenate, (1984)
Sociology of Religion
Liberation Theology and Social Change: Chicanas and Chicanos in the Catholic Church, Cadena, Gilbert R.; Medina, Lara , Chicanas and Chicanos in Contemporary Society, Boston, p.99-111, (1996)
Nepantla Spirituality: negotiating multiple religious identities among US Latinas, Medina, Lara , Rethinking Latino(a) Religion and Identity, Cleveland, OH, (2006)
The Language of the Arts, Lara, Jaime , Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Chicago, IL, (2004)

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