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Mexican American Cultural Center (MACC)
Discovering a People, Gutierrez, Gustavo , Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture, Fall, Volume 32, Number 3, p.174-178, (1997)
Essential Writings, Gutierrez, Gustavo; Nickoloff, James B. , Maryknoll, NY, p.viii, 336, (1996)
Catholic Church -- Doctrines
Different Theologies, Common Responsibilities: Babel or Pentecost?, Elizondo, Virgilio P.; Geffre, Claude; Gutierrez, Gustavo , Concilium, Volume 171, Edinburgh; New York, p.xii, 100 p., (1984)
Catechetics -- Catholic Church.
A Look at Confirmation Through 'Spanish' Eyes, Viramontes-Gutierrez, Theresa , Confirming the Faith of Adolescents, Mahwah, NJ, p.96-106, (1991)

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